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James and Zoey were in Menagerie, looking for any fang members to "ask" about Adam Taurus. "What do you mean, he isn't a member of the fang, I saw him lead a group of fang grunts." James said, holding his gun by the barrel and using the handle as a club. He hit the fang member in the leg, hard. The man screamed, they were in a large empty werehouse James kept his back up liquor in, James didn't like the idea of close to home liquor, he kept his stuff away with some guards who could take some drink if they wanted.

"Where's Adam, tell me, or else, you'll get the bad cop." James said. "Your the good cop!" the man yelled. "Yeah. good luck, I'll give you to the count of 3." James said.  "1" "I...I...I don't" "2" "Brother Volpe, he would know!" the man yelled. "3" James said. He walked away for Zoey to walk in, reeving up her chainsaw . "Haven, They talked about a new branch in Haven!" he yelled


Charlotte was in the Vale ruins, working to find people to save. "5 days of non-stop searching, we can't keep up." She said, to an Atlas robot. "I know, but we need a huntress to help us, we cant handle all of these grim assaults alone." an atlas soldier said. They neared the old street where James had a Bar. "I think were near a stop where there could be some people." Charlotte said.


"Now, Blaine, tell us again why you wish to join us." a man asked. "I wish to fight the good fight, a fight that is for the good of the faunas." Blaine said. "Well than, welcome, sister Blaine." the man said, sliding a black shirt, pants with a white vest, to her. She grabbed it and walked into a large room, there were rows of bunk beds, lockers and bags near or next the beds. Blaine walked to a bunk with no one on it. She hopped up and laid there, trying to sleep.

"hey, newbie, bottom bunk." a man said. Blaine drew her gun, pistol form and aimed it at the man. "What was that?" she asked "Nevermind." he said.

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