Friday night

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Zoey and Charlotte were out around the town as James and Blaine set of the club for the dance they had. James pushed a button on the bottom of the drinks shelf, causing a stage to raise up, and a railing, along with some glass to fall down and land on the railing. "Stage set." Blaine said. James pulled a lever and Zoey's DJ booth went up on the left side of the bar. "Booth check, and now. James flicked several switches, and twisted a nob. several lights lowered from the ceiling. Zoey and Charlotte walked in. "It's ladies night!"

Charlotte throw James and Blaine out of the bar. "Women only, come back later." she said. "And who's going to serve drinks?" James asked. "Good point get in here." Zoey said. "And throw the drunks out?" Blaine questioned. "Both of you are allowed back in here." Zoey said. James and Blaine walked in, and took their spots. The lights on the sign outside turned pink and Blaine walked outside, took a velvet rope and 2 silver posts outside and set them up, grabbed a chair and sat down. James was behind the bar, chatting with Zoey.

"I think when Charlotte begins, the drinks will stop, when she's not out on the stage, drinks will be served." James said. "Ok, can you maybe make you that special drink you know?" Zoey asked. "Fine, this is the last time you get it this week, I'm running out of lemons." James said, walking towards the bar, and made the drink that was only for staff, known as the Jazz clubber.

James carved a small message into the lemon, he did this with every staff member. He put the knife away and put the slice of lemon in the drink, handing it to Zoey. Zoey was actually planing something for a while and she took the chance now. She grabbed James by the vest, pulled him towards her, and kissed him before taking the drink, and walking into the booth, sipping the drink and reading the message.

"To the best DJ in town, and one beautiful fighter" was put on the lemon with a heart under it.  Zoey smiled and started the music.

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