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James was bandaged up and was in a hospital bed, having to rest. James was one of many injured huntsmen. "So, you were at becon and saw Adam?" Zoey asked a girl with black hair. "Yes, I saw him, and he almost killed me and a friend." The girl said. "Damn, you got lucky, I think my friend will need a limb removed, the beowolves ruined his left leg, not much left of the muscle." Zoey said. "My friends are alive, just needing time to heal." The girl said. She walked out of the hospital. "Blake, where are you going?"

A Faunus boy chaises after the girl. Blaine had her arm bandaged up. She had fixed her outfit and had helped other huntsmen who were somewhat injured. Several citizens were in other cities. "I saw a girl, she used glass weapons on Phyrra, she died, and I couldn't do anything to save her." a girl with a red hood said. "That's was a girl named Cinder Fall, she has a large bill at my bar." James said. He had several bandages on his left eye, arms covered in bandages left leg in bandages soaked in blood with his right leg mostly fine.

Charlotte was outside, checking everyone out who entered and exited the hospital. She had taken several weapons from huntsmen, citizens who armed themselves and was talking to people who were looking for family or friends. "Did my Daughters get out! Please tell me they got out of Beacon." a man with blonde hair and a tan shirt. "I need a name, sir." Charlotte said. "Tiayang Xoi Long."  "Let's see, Xoi Long, room 69, anyone else?" She asked. "Ruby Rose, she's also my daughter." He said. "Room 70" Charlotte said. "Next." Charlotte said. A girl walked up to her. "I am within his to know, how many people escaped. "I only have hospitalized people, total 169." She said, "probably 400 people escaped in the first group of transports."

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