Lead out of the darkness

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1. Darkness, like black satin sheets, enveloped my heart
Demons stabbed my mind and emotions like the heavy artillery in World War 2
5. I lay alone, begging and rattling my shackles, screaming for release and freedom.
The clock stops, and light floods the desolate room, blinding me like the sun.
10. "Do not be afraid," a voice echoed and I rose to my feet, like the resurrection.
A gentleman stood in front of my cell door and opened the door. "Please don't hurt me, sir..." I cried, like silent raindrops
The man held my shaking body, helped me up onto my feet. "I'm here to get you out, you will never glance or step foot into this hellish place ever again."
20. I smiled and the man cleaned my eyes off from tears, took hold of my hand, and lead me out of my world of pain and suffering, a darkness that I've known for so long, and into a world of healing, peace, 25. love, and happiness.
The gentleman looked at me and gripped my hand tighter, and took me to a garden, a garden of comfort and love, something I've lost a long time ago.
30. My heart began to repair the bruises and scars, all because of one man, leading me out of the darkness, and into the light, a light that is much higher quality to live and breathe in, that I can be at peace and reside in that light... forevermore.

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