The Way of Life (My Version)

6 1 0

1. Italian, German, British, and French

4 separate nationalities, all in 

one continent.

From pasta to tea, these describe my 

5. national ancestry and correlates to my

way of life.

Pasta on Saturday nights to the occasional burnt creme, family, and food serve

as the foundation.

10. Core values to a mashup of music,

they shape my world.

I'm the black sheep, doing theater

and singing is my life like the yin to

my yang, the Romeo to my Juliet.

15. Culture is knowing who you are in

a sense and is a rising elevator, always changing levels.

The sense of knowing where you

came from, what you eat, what your

beliefs are, etc.

20. If you choose to accept your beliefs

and culture, go for it, but if you don't, 

why? and well, c'est la vie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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