
9 1 0

1. Abuse is like a mirror,
It has many faces.
One face has shattered glass,
Symbolizing the physical aspect to it.
5. The other faces don't show physical harm, but they show a dark, sad as a rainy day, pain.
The "you're not pretty" and the "you will not succeed" words that rattle your 10. Mind like a shaken rag doll.
I stare into the other faces of the mirror, but I see myself, but broken and giving myself scars, red marks, like slap marks across the face.
15. Echoes of screams overlapping the whimpers of pain from the arguing, like a heart becoming dinner for the demons of hell.
The mirror pulls me into a hurtful trance, it's soft but harmful hands encase me.
20. I am a part of the mirror. No escape. Only pain consumes me like demons and Satan eating a tortured soul, led to damnation on Judgement Day.
My door to freedom and safety shuts.
25. No escape. I am now consumed by pain and misery.

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