Chapter Six

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This is going to take some getting use to.

For the first part of Flippy's new therapy session, Splendid decided to move him out of his isolated home and into his own. It would be a better way to get him use to being around someone than alone in his thoughts and to keep an eye out on Fliqpy. It had taken some persuading and force to get Flippy to even agree to bunking in with Splendid. Splendont would be there as well as back up since Splendid definitely could not take Fliqpy out on his own. He was a soldier, and his combat skills and strategic motives were something he'd never faced before.

Flippy was reluctant, though, with good reasons. He was already afraid of himself enough as it was, and apparently Fliqpy wanted Splendid's blood badly. Splendid was touched when Flippy voiced his concerns for his safety.

They had spent the day packing up as much of Flippy's needed items as possible. It was mostly just clothes and his toothbrush. Splendid would provide anything else he needed. They walked together in relatively peaceful silence. Splendid liked the trek through the woods, it was so nice this time of the year. Flippy stayed silent as Splendid took the time to really look at him.

He was pale, had light green hair, tired forest-green eyes that were hidden by his beret and bangs. He seemed to be the slender-lean type, built for movement not so much force. He was about a head smaller than Splendid, which was a little surprising because Fliqpy had seemed to be his height. From looking at Flippy more closely, the difference in height might be because Flippy walked with his head and shoulders down, trying to look small and ignore his surroundings.

Step two would be to try and gain his confidence back, that was for sure.

Now when they got to town, there were people out and about, which, unfortunately, freaked Flippy out. People stopped to look at them before continuing on slowly. Splendid watched Flippy cave in a little and force his head down in fear. He was more scared of himself than they were of him. Just as he thought Flippy was going to collapse, or worse, flip-out, Splendid grabbed his freehand carefully, stunning him into relaxing.

"Baby steps, Flippy. Just relax and keep walking." Splendid whispered to him before pulling him along.

From behind him, Flippy turned a shade of pink and stared at their joined hands. Splendid didn't really catch that part as he led Flippy through town quickly. Accidents could happened whenever, and having one during this process would do Flippy no good.

Splendid reached his house in no time without any freak outs from Flippy. They spent sometime preparing his room and and setting down ground rules.

"Now, I don't really like loud noises or rough play at home. I'm usually gone during weekdays around 7 am and done by, like, 6 pm or something, so I ask that you don't make too much of a mess. Also, you are welcomed to the kitchen whenever, just clean up after yourself. Any questions?"

"Um... i-is there a curfew?" Splendid almost laughed at that.

"No, no! You can do what you want so long as you don't make any messes or too much noise." Splendid brightened when Flippy gave him a tired smile and nod.

Before he walked out to let Flippy settle, the other called out to him, "Ah, Splendid?"

He stopped and looked back at him, "Yes?"

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