Chapter Ten

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"What's the matter, Splendid?"

Splendid's adrenaline kicked in and he scooted back to the other side of the room. That grated voice and killer smile, those yellow eyes, glinted with malice, it terrified him. He watched Fliqpy lick Flippy's lips and then wipe them, teeth flashing dangerously.

"I can't believe you're gay!" he laughed, covering his mouth to hold back giggles.

Splendid blinked out of his fear induced stun of silence and blushed angrily this time, "tsking" in frustration, "You kissed me!"

"To test a theory. Did you really think Flippy was interested in you?"

That drove a sharp pain into his chest, one he didn't account for, and, apparently, it showed on his face.

"Aaaaaw, did I hurt the little baby superhero's fweelings?"

Fliqpy laughed at his own taunting as Splendid tried to put on an angry face, at least to hide his disappointment and embarrassment. But Fliqpy's words hurt more than he wanted to let on.

I'm not gay. Or at least I thought I wasn't...

Splendid glared over at Fliqpy who was still laughing. It was a stark contrast to Flippy's laughter, which sounded like wind chimes. Splendid frowned, shooting up from his spot and putting hands on his hips.

"Why are you out? Why did you suddenly take over?"

I won't let him think he's gotten the best of me.

"I told you," Fliqpy purred, leaning forward to push himself up into a standing position, "I wanted to test my theory."

"Which was?"

"How much you care for Flippy."

That made Splendid pause in confusion. Fliqpy wasn't really one to care for others... or maybe this was that bad thing Flippy was trying to tell him about.

"There's an ulterior motive to what you just said."

Fliqpy laughed, clasping his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels back and forth, "I dunnoooo... maybe. Maybe not."

Splendid winced at the way Fliqpy "sung" those next lines. It sounded no where near innocent, "Give me back Flippy. Go away."

Fliqpy made a mock gesture of hurt, "I'm wounded, Splendid! After that passionate kiss we just shared and you're already throwing me away?"

Splendid blushed and glared at him, "I would prefer Flippy over you any day."

Fliqpy chuckled darkly and Splendid gulped a little, "Do you think he would ever want you over me any day?"

Splendid blinked in surprise, his heart raced in pain. Did Flippy even like him? Did he see them more as a "therapist and patient?" Did Flippy even trust him or consider him a friend? Sure, they'd been talking a lot since the picnic, before then it was mostly just exercises and questions, and before that it was "enemies." The bigger question that had him stumped was: was Flippy even into men?

Without him realizing it, Fliqpy had Splendid pushed against the wall. The bluenette looked down at the crazed version of his beloved soldier with a beat of fear.

I don't want to hurt Flippy...

Splendid shivered when a hand trailed up his stomach to his chest. He glared down at yellow eyes and gulped when a sharp smile graced the others face.

"I wonder what you would do if I went around with his body..."

Splendid momentarily blacked out as he grabbed Fliqpy by the throat and slammed him against the wall, "You will do no such thing!"

"Oh?" Fliqpy laughed breathlessly, like he was enjoying being manhandled. "How do you intend to stop me? Kill me? Tie me up? Lock me away somewhere?"

Splendid could feel himself getting angrier and angrier at Fliqpy's words. Flippy's innocence needed to be protected and Fliqpy needed to be stopped.

"I won't let you hurt Flippy."

"You mean you won't let me whore his body around?"

Splendid sputtered at that and Fliqpy grabbed him by his shirt.

"What makes you think he's innocent at all? That he's a good little boy who remained a virgin and has no idea how to give and take? Hm?" Fliqpy shoved Splendid away with that surprising strength of his and laughed at Splendid's jealous, and envious, look.

"I don't expect him to be a virgin, but I don't want strangers using him!"

"Who's to say that hasn't already happened?" Fliqpy bursted out laughing at Splendid's sickening look. "Oh, calm down! Jesus, you're too easy!"

"That's not funny! You sick fuck!" Splendid growled and Fliqpy wiped away an imaginary tear.

"Oh, it's plenty funny. Now, I have some plans to maaaake!" Splendid blinked, stunned into place, as Fliqpy glided out of the room.

He heard footsteps going upstairs and then a door closing, presumably to Flippy's room. A moment after, he could hear Flippy arguing quietly with Fliqpy, and he blocked them out. The last thing he wanted to do was invade his space and privacy. Splendid took in a shuttering breath and fell to the ground on his butt, breath labored and heart racing.

"I ca-can't believe you did that to him!" Flippy whispered angrily as he washed his mouth out.

Oh? But you said he cares about you, and I guess my little experiment shows just how much.

"So, I'm suppose to thank you for tonguing the guy who's helping me and letting me stay at his home?"


Flippy could feel the smirk Fliqpy had despite the fact he wasn't smirking on his own body. "That was cruel, Fliqpy. Messing with him like that, telling him you were gonna... go around in my body, teasing him about his preferences!"

Oh, so defensive about that last part. Are you into dick, too? Ha, ha, just kidding, it's pretty obvious you are.

Flippy blushed furiously and looked down at his hands. He'd only ever had one relationship, with some other soldier in Vietnam, who unfortunately never kept in touch after she got out, and his crush on Flaky those few years ago. Otherwise, he'd never really thought like that towards others.

Well, after this, you can find out if you want to let the guy fuck you or not... since, you know, you're definitely a bottom.

"Piss off, Fliqpy!" Flippy reddened all over and tried to keep back any imagery out from his mind at the others words. Fliqpy laughed and went silent after that.

It wasn't that he was uncomfortable with the same sex stuff, he just wasn't use to it. No one should expect others to just agree with it just because; that kind of stuff takes time to understand and get a feel for.

The questions that posed a life changing decision now was: how Flippy going to deal with Fliqpy, Splendid's apparent interest in him, and his own feelings in the matter.

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