One. Ballerina.

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Song one: Use Somebody. Kings of Leon.

The girl was moving along to the beat of a song he didn't recognize, her arms bent gracefully making her look like a ballet dancer instead of a girl on ice. That earned the boy's time, and he leaned on the barrier waiting for her next move.

Jump, he thought.

It was late, and not many skaters were practicing, but she seemed careless of her surroundings, eyes fixed in someone outside the rink- across the place from the boy's perspective. She moved easily, playing air guitar and fooling around with the person behind the barrier; but then, she skated backwards exactly when another song started. Use Somebody by Kings Of Leon.

Once again, she looked like she was alone, focused in the music and nothing else. Her spins, steps, speed...

«I hope it's gonna make you notice...»

And there it was, exactly like he guessed by how beautiful her moves were: she was a figure skater - just like him. Her jump, a nicely executed triple toe loop appeared to be effortless, and her graceful free leg made her look so much like a ballerina. That was some talent right there.

«Someone like me»

After a clean landing, she drew some circles on the ice, smiling as she did a layback spin. The young lady was right in front of him, and he noticed closed eyes and a calm expression -she was enjoying the moment without the pressure of being evaluated, feeling the music and moving along, wind kissing her face as she sped-up.

Gah, I wanna skate.

Without wasting more time, he went to put his skates on. His coach wasn't there yet for the last practice before competition, but he didn't care. His competitive spirit told him he needed to be on the ice- perhaps it was pride, but just like he had paid attention to her, he wanted every pair of eyes on him.

He did some warm up exercises ignoring the looks he received and almost sighed of pleasure when he stepped on the rink.

Some Lady Gaga song filled the place, and now the girl wasn't alone. The boy accompanying her was now holding her hands as she moved them both throughout the ice -another skater? No, she was teaching the boy, it was pretty clear watching his tense, careful moves. He wasn't sure that was permitted, a non-competitor on the rink rented for the Pro skaters about to compete-, but no one really cared at midnight when there were barely 5 souls awake in the whole building.

He skated close to them mid-speed, and saw the girl moving her head to the beat of the song without glancing away from the apprentice – who revealed to be a pale blond teenage boy when his hood moved out of its place. The two spoke in a very heavily accented English.

"Got it?" She asked softly.

"I think..."He started and regretted it when she almost let him go and he began to move his legs desperately trying to find balance: "...not. "

Well, he -for sure- wasn't getting any attention if the blond kid had it all.

"Leah, no!" Someone howled and he stopped his step sequence exatcly when Blondie fell on his butt with a funny noise. Ballerina girl laughed and helped him get up. He looked upset but she kept smiling and guided Blondie's hands to her waist, turning around to skate with the fingers of the boy probably caving holes in her skin. But the girl's eyes were in the rink again!

This is my moment. He continued the previous step sequence and prepared for a quad. He did it and while he was silently celebrating a clean landing, picked up some words:

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