So Sorry

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I wish this was chapter 20 but unfortunately it's not.

I just want to let everyone know that I have a life outside of Wattpad and I'm pretty sure that the majority of Wattpad users feel the same way. I have MORE state testing to study for and I really want to get a decent score on them. Plus, I want to spend less time on the electronics and more time reading books and going to the gym to be healthy, fit, and what not. If my life gets too busy and hectic, I'll have to take a 1-3 week break. I hope that'll never happen because I love to write stories for y'all!

Since it's a 3 day weekend this Friday, I'll a aim to publish 2 chapters at the minimum.

Anyways, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for 2k reads on my VERY first fanfiction called Your The Chemical To My Romance. I'm not sure if I should continue it or not, but if I do continue, I'll put it on hold until How I Fell In Love With My Best Friend is complete or Please Stay. The support means a whole lot too me and it truly makes my day.

Let's aim for 100 followers and 1k views on Please Stay :)

I can never thank y'all enough for the support! <3

PS: Scroll left (if you use the mobile app) to check out a wicked awesome new song :)


Please Stay (BH6 Hiro Hamada x Reader) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now