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Kuroken headcanons:

•Kenma has one of those balconies things and sometimes when Kuroo is bored he goes over to Kenma's house, throws rocks at the balcony until Kenma comes out and Kuroo says fucking lines from Romeo and Juliet

•Kenma likes to sit on Kuroo's lap (in a non kinky way) and play video games while Kuroo looks over his shoulder at the game. (Sometimes when Kuroo feels hecka kinky he likes to bite on Kenma's neck and Kenma gets annoyed at first but then things heat up (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  )

•Kenma lowkey likes being the big spoon

•Sometimes when Kuroo is bored he likes to play with Kenma's hair and styles it but then Kenma looks 10x more cuter which makes Kuroo 100x more gayer

•Kuroo likes to cook for Kenma and asks Iwaizumi for recipes and how to make really tasty food because he wants to please Kenma with his cooking skills

•Kenma teases Kuroo in bed and we all know it

•Kenma likes to crawl into Kuroo's giant ass shirts when he's cold aw

•Kenma likes to steal Kuroo's sweaters and wear them because it's really comfy and Kuroo gets annoyed but shrugs it off when he sees how cute Kenma looks

•Whenever Kenma gets a cold Kuroo would always fucking skip volleyball practice to care for the smol cat IM SO EMOTIONAL

•Kuroo always likes to give Kenma bear hugs because he's a needy boyfriend who just wants love. Like really he'll do it when Kenma is sick even though he might catch the cold but he doesn't give a fuck

•Even though Kuroo and Kenma have been together for like forever, Kuroo still gets butterflies in his stomach whenever Kenma does something really cute

•Even though Kuroo and Kenma have been together for like forever, Kuroo still gets butterflies in his stomach whenever Kenma does something really cute

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anyways I feel like changing the book name to like "the haikyuu Bible" or some shit if it isn't taken but then if most people are looking for headcanons they would most likely search "haikyuu headcanons" so if I changed the title it wouldn't show up so discovering the book would be harder resulting in not so many readers showing up, so probably not

Also I have bad news and good news:

Bad news: I'm probably not going to be doing the bokuaka one shot I mentioned a few chapters back

good news: I might make a iwaoi book idk I only thought of it now

I really only think of book ideas in the shower idk it's the best place to think of them

anyways um I was planning for it to be like Oikawa can't speak or anything so he uses hand signs and yea

um so I think the plot will be either:

A: Oikawa can't speak, and he thinks talking is overrated. It's used in everyday life whether it's ordering something, answering a question, expressing your feelings. Ah expressing your feelings, it's quite difficult for a person who cannot speak. Oikawa believes that there are other and better things that can be done to express feelings. Like physical contact, gifts, etc. When Oikawa meets Iwaizumi he longs to give his opinions to him but Iwaizumi may very well change his mind..


B: Oikawa can't speak, he was never good at expressing his feelings without words but he wishes to speak. He wishes to speak about anything really, whether it's just small talk or deep meaningful conversations. But he figures it's not always so fun speaking with your hands plus not all people knows how to read hand signs which makes it difficult for the poor boy. Oikawa wishes to express all his emotions some other way so his decision was writing books. He loved writing books as that was a way he could express how he was feeling in an easier way and a way that everyone would enjoy. So basically Iwaizumi enjoys all his stories and dreams of meeting the author behind all this and this is where the rest happens.

Um so if I do plan on making the iwaoi book would you guys prefer story plot A or B?

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