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Akaashi is now a 3rd year. He sets up the ball but to his surprise no one spikes it. "Bokuto-san why didn't you spike the ball?" Akaashi asks annoyed but to his surprise bokuto isn't there, and he remembers,

Bokuto graduated a year ago.

Bokuto graduated a year ago

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angst fo yo soulz


lmao guess who had another book idea in the shower

the book would be called "10 ways to die" and there would be 10 chapters. Each chapter would be titled 1 way to die (drowning, jumping off a building, etc) and each chapter would either have the same ship each chapter or different ships each chpter, and each chapter one half of the ship dies the way the title says. Y'all can totally make it more angsty if the other half dies that way but it was suicide instead of an accident ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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