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 After a quick bath and dinner, Clara and the others helped tidy things up. "(Yawn) today was very tiring!" cried Clara as she stretched her arms. "Yeah , today was fun Clara!" exclaimed Sylvannes. " You better go and have a good nights sleep because tomorrow is gonna be just as tiring!" teased Sylvannes. She loved to tease Clara. She would often annoy her and tease her but Clara didn't mind. 

 As Clara made her way up the stairs she saw her room. She really didn't want to go to her room and sleep even though she was tired. Instead she walked past her room. She walked past about ten rooms all together before she saw a huge window frame which lead to a balcony. Without hesitating she opened them and walked out. She was astonished by seeing the sky. It was beautiful all the time. She was alone on the balcony and she loved the silence.She walked up to the edge of the balcony and saw the forest. The moon hovered above painting the land in silver. The night was very relaxing.

 "Hey! I thought I'd find you here! " Gus's voice broke out from behind her. Clara looked back and smiled." Really?"she replied. "If there's one thing I know about you Clara, is that you love the environment a lot. It's your way of 'letting go' huh?" he questioned smiling his innocent smile. "You said that you wanted to talk to me about something very important?" Clara questioned changing the subject. "Oh yeah. You see, there is a chance that Leo might come for tomorrow's training session." he cried leaning his head to a side and dropping his smile. "Oh no." Is he going to train me tomorrow?And not you guys?" she asked desperately hoping for a 'no'.

 "Yes" he replied. 

 "Words fail me" she replied. "Well there's no way out of that. I guess he was bound to train me anyway." she shrugged. Gus laughed. " You remind me of my sister Clara" he stopped. 

She looked at him. He quickly looked down, hiding his face from her. The moonlight fell on his hair but failed to show his expression. He was quiet. "You .. You have a sister?" she asked surprised. He didn't answer at first, but slowly answered back, "I... I had a sister... an elder sister.."

 There was an awkward silence in the air. This was one of the rare moments when Clara had seen Gus upset. She whispered " Would you like to talk about it?" He didn't move. Instead he turned around and whispered under his breath in his deep and unfamiliar voice"goodnight Clara. Get ready for tomorrow and, don't be late.". He walked into the building.

 'What was that?'Clara thought to herself. ' He had a sister? Is that why he treats me so kindly and with so much love? Does he see his sister when he sees me? Am I just a friend to him? Nothing more?' she thought. She felt her heart crumple inside her. She had this array of mixed feelings towards him but was it just her who felt that way? For a moment when he held her close to him, she thought that they had a moment. But in reality, she was just a friend and no more. She looked up at the moon. It was a horrible feeling. She had finally found someone who she really liked but it was just a one sided love. Nothing more. 

 "OH MY GOD CLARA!" echoed Sylvannes's shrill voice as she came running on to the balcony waving her hands in the air. She was holding something that seemed to be a piece of paper. "Prince Lance has organised a ball to celebrate our safe return! And guess what? He has sent you a parcel too!" she exclaimed in delight.

 "A ball?"Clara questioned. Her head wasn't really focused on what Sylvannes was saying. Her thoughts were still revolving around Gus and was soon broken when she noticed Sylvannes staring at her with a confused look spread across her face. "You don't ever stop dreaming do you ?" she questioned with a smirk. " Well you are gonna have a lot to dream about tonight Clara!" she teased as she walked around her flapping the piece of paper in front of her face like a handkerchief. "You can dream about the palace..." she continued smiling brilliantly. " ...the music, the air... and oh!Of course the prince!" she laughed as Clara shook her. " Stop it Sylvannes!" Clara laughed shaking Sylvannes. "Oh look!Silvermoon is blushing!" Sylvannes teased non- stop. Clara gave up. Sylvannes was the person who succeed in proving people wrong. " I get you Clara! I mean who wouldn't like him? The girls in Dynasty are dying for him you know" she continued.

 " Okay Sylvannes I get it." smiled Clara. " Well, we better get some sleep. Leo's coming tomorrow, ( sigh) I hope everything goes alright. You can never say for sure what he's thinking.. besides, he's very rude. There's something about him that I really don't like" Clara cried as she walked towards the windows to go back to her room.

 "Actually Clara you should reconsider what you think about him. Because he's a really nice person even though he seems cold hearted. You know you can never judge a book by it's cover." Sylvannes replied. She gave the invitation in her hand to Clara and smiled.

 "I think the parcel might be a dress! You never know!" she whispered and smiled. "Shall we go check it please?" she begged. Clara smiled and let out a deep breath. " okay but we have to be quick." she replied. The both of them quietly made there way downstairs again. Everybody else was asleep.On the living room table were two boxes which were white and wrapped with a gold sash. Sylvannes gleefully brought them both in her arms  and whispered. "There's two for the both of us. I think we have been given proper tailored dresses Clara!" "SHH!"Clara shot back. Let's go to my room and unpack them". They tiptoed their way back up the stairs and in to Clara's room where they opened Sylvannes's one first. When the lid came off inside the box was a neatly folded dress. Sylvannes was ecstatic. "Oh I wish these came tomorrow, then we could have properly tried them on and checked them out." she sighed. She badly wanted to try it on but it was way too late for the both if them. And they knew that if they started to fit on, they would remain awake till the morning. "Okay listen Sylvannes." whispered Clara. " How about we close the box , tie it back the way it was and check them out after tomorrows training?"she smiled. "After all it will be like a special treat for the both of us." she smiled. Sylvannes didn't like that idea at all but that was the most reasonable thing to do. " Okay, but we have to try them on tomorrow!" she begged again.

 At the end, the girls managed to keep both the boxes in Clara's cupboard and went to sleep in their respective rooms. Even though Clara had friends in the human world,non of them were as close as she was to Sylvannes. She loved having her around. She could be serious or insanely stupid when she wanted to. She was one of those rare lovable characters and Clara adored her a lot. " Huh, Sylvannes's dreams will be of dresses now... sorry Lance!!." Clara thought as she fell asleep.

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