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Six years has passed. I managed to get a job as an accountant in the city. I got a good pay and I bought myself an apartment where my mother and I moved in to. She was too old now to live by herself. But she wouldn't stop talking to me about marriage now. Being 24, it was normal for me to see my friends already dating and some even engaged.And there I was, the only single one who was being pressurized by my mother to marry.

I was set up on a blind date with a guy with the help of my friends.I hated this stuff. I really wish they would let me be alone and let me find love in time. I had just finished my work for the day. I was allowed to finish early today.

That was when I realized that I had not a single dress to wear for this date tonight. Honesty I was not up for this. I wanted to cancel last minute telling I was sick but my friends would see past me. I had to go. So I managed to buy a simple dark blue dinner dress which up to my knees. I had my hair let loose and with some light makeup I was ready.

I went to the restaurant and stood near the entrance awkwardly. I've never been in a date before and I really was a nervous wreak. It was then this gentleman walked up to me and asked me,

" Clara?" he asked.

" Yes.. "

" My names Jake.."

I smiled at him. He was my date. He lead me to our table and we sat down. Jake was undoubtedly handsome. He had black hair which was side swept messily and a pair of light brown eyes that complemented them perfectly. Surprisingly we had a great time. He was a very nice, well mannered and kind person. I couldn't believe that this was working out.

At the end of the dinner he offered to take me home. I agreed as we got in to his car.

" I was wondering, there is this place I'd really like you to see.It's quite close by."

I took a minute before responding. " Sure."

He drove a little way off the main road and parked the car. We got out and the first thing I saw was the endless dark blue sky which was studded with glistening stars. It was a long time since I saw a sight like this. Being in the city the only thing I would see was the rooftops of buildings that covered most of the sky from my window.Compared to that this was heaven. I gasped in delight. I felt the cold wind brush up against me. Jake came closer to me and put his coat over my shoulders and held me in his arm as we sat down on a bench that faced the sky. We watched the sky silently before I raised a question.

" Jake, how do you know that I like stargazing? Did anyone of my friends tell you?"

He smiled as he replied, " Clara, I have to tell you something."

Clara eyed him as he continued. He held her hands and looked deep into her eyes.

" I can't stay alone anymore Clara. I've searched for years for you. I know few years ago I wanted be a lone wolf but I can't when you had already captured my heart. I came to this world a few years ago, searching for you, and now I've finally found you." he smiled.

Clara listened to him. Slowly his words sense, she looked in to his eyes to see the light brown shade of in to a dusky sunset orange and his lips curl in to a familiar smirk. She gasped,

" Nathan!"

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