Chapter 2

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Disclaimer- The characters don't belong to me.  

Next day Caroline woke up and looked around her room. She hadn't taken a single thing  from this room when she left town. She walked to her closet and saw the various dresses she had worn over the years at different parties. Every single dress had a memory stitched in it, in every single thread of the fabric. At last she looked at the most beautiful dress she had ever worn. She remembered the day like it had happened yesterday. The Mikealson ball, the one she had loathed to go to, yet enjoyed it more then ever. She could still perfectly recall the way Klaus held her, so gentle and caring in his touch that for a moment she had forgotten he was the bane of her friends existence. She let herself remember him just this once, the way he had looked at her, the way he smiled, the way he seemed so intrigued by her. No one had ever looked at her the way that original did.

She closed the doors and walked to her dressing table and saw herself in the mirror. She looked the same. She would always look the same, no matter what. And though she liked the fact that being an immortal had brought out her true side, she still debated whether she liked the concept of eternity. She didn't want to survive alone and maybe that was one of the reason she had come back, other than making amends. She opened the first drawer and gasped at the content, even though she knew what it held. Even after all this year she was still touched and astonished by the drawing of her. She turned around and sat on her bad. Everything in this room reminded her of the person she shouldn't be thinking about. She sighed.

She checked her house and seemed like her mom had gone out. Caroline changed and left the house. She walked slowly around the town. Nothing had changed much. Mystic falls still held the mystical aura of the various resident and dead magical creatures. She came and stood in front of her school. Students were moving in and out. Her past materialized itself in front of her and every smile that had graced her lips, every laugh was visible. She walked faster away from letting herself enjoy.

She walked in front of the white walled house and dreaded to knock. This couldn't be that difficult, she thought. She had to get this done. She raised her finger to ring the door bell but hesitated. Would Bonnie use her witchy power against her and try to harm her for all she had done? That was silly. Bonnie had a kind soul. She took a deep breath in and rung the bell. She stood there for a while and the door opened. Bonnie gasped. One of her best friend was back. She froze and didn't know what to do. "Hey.", Caroline's voice unfroze Bonnie. She launched herself at the vampire and hugged her as tightly as she could, afraid she would run away. Bonnie left Caroline and both of them had tears in their eyes. "Come in.", Bonnie said. Caroline stepped back, "Are you sure?" It wasn't very wise for anyone to invite vampires into their house, especially witches. Bonnie just took Caroline's hand, pulled her in and said, "Yes."

Both the friends sat, not really knowing what to say. Bonnie was relieved that Caroline had come back an Caroline too was relieved that Bonnie didn't hate her. But sitting there they both wondered what to say. Whether it would be too inappropriate or rude or had they changed. Caroline finally spoke, "Jeremy huh? Can't say didn't see that coming." Both the girls chuckled. "Yeah. It's been a quiet nice life.", Bonnie replied. Caroline smiled genuinely after a long time, feeling truly happy for someone. "How have you been, Care?", Bonnie asked softly. "I have been okay. It's been long.", Caroline said. Bonnie smiled and asked again, "Where have you been all the time?" "Here and there. I really don't know. I moved every other week. No place could compare.", Caroline said with a small smile. Bonnie smiled back. The gloomy feeling hung in the air. Bonnie knew what Caroline was trying to say. Hell she herself had thought to run away from the madness many a times but she couldn't. She didn't blame anyone but it was an option she had considered. "So, what has your life been like? Tell me everything.", Caroline said with a big smile. Bonnie too, smiled. Caroline would never change. always trying to make everyone happy. "It's been a bit dull after Katherine was killed and everyone left town. But dull seems nice. Jeremy and I graduated from college and married a year later. Then we had Alaric, who turns 18 next month and then we had Shiela. She's five years old.", Bonnie finished. Caroline smiled, Bonnie got what she deserved. She was happy for her friend. Caroline wanted to meet the kids but didn't know if Bonnie would allow but since she was allowed in the house Caroline asked, "Are your kids home?" "Alaric's out with his friends but Shiela is in her room.", Bonnie said looking at Caroline. Then she asked tentatively, "Would you like to meet your goddaughter?" Caroline couldn't believe her hears. She looked at Bonnie and asked, "I am Sheila's godmother? But why?" "You are my best friend Caroline. Why wouldn't you be?", Bonnie said. "Let's meet her.", the two friends stood up and walked towards the little girl's room. "Wait. What is she like? What's her favourite colour? Who does she look like? Does she know about me at all? Has she-" ,Caroline's rant was interrupted when Bonnie said, "You can ask her."

Bonnie opened the door to her daughter's room and Caroline came face-to-face with a little girl in white dress, colouring. Sheila looked just like her mother. Caroline moved a step and the girl turned. "Come Sheila say hi to your godmother.", Bonnie said from behind. Sheila's face broke into a smile she stood in front of Caroline. Caroline bent down to the little girl's level. "Hi. I am Sheila.", the girl said moving her hand forward. "I am Caroline. Nice to meet you.", Caroline said shaking her goddaughter's hand. "You are Caroline. Mum, dad, uncle Stafan and aunt Elena has told me so much about you. Mrs Forbes has also shown me pictures of you and mom and her and everyone.", the girl said and hugged Caroline. Caroline hugged her back with moist eyes. She looked back at Bonnie and mouthed 'thank you'. 

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