Chapter 6

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Nothing seemed to click and the four friends were going crazy. Things were getting too weird because nothing was happening. All they had been doing was wait for something to happen. Anything so they could get a lead. Stefan and Bonnie had contacted every witch they knew and asked them to look into what might have happened or who could be responsible for it. But the witches knew nothing. They had also gone around and  looked through more books but the only thing books did was confuse and scare them.

Jeremy had started training Alaric. And he himself was always on hyper alert. Caroline was shadowing Sheila, but the little girl didn't mind. She loved being with her god mother. Liz had also been going crazy connecting dots with strange, mystical related events around the state. Liz's house was ready but neither she nor Caroline wanted to leave the Gilberts. They were worried about the two kids. Bonnie and Jeremy had tried their best to keep their supernatural life out of their kids and they had successfully done that for quite a while, but now it had come back to haunt them.

"Can I wear this?", Sheila asked. "Yes. You can wear anything you want but can we just get going?", Caroline said sitting on the bed. She was helping the little girl dress and it wasn't easy. Sheila changed her mind after every two minute. Finally the girl settled on a dress and the two of them met up with Jeremy, Alaric and Liz in front of the car. They all were going to a fair that was an hour drive away. Sheila had wanted to go and no one could really say no. They all buckled in and drove away.

Meanwhile Bonnie and Stefan were going to meet and old witch friend of theirs who was going to help them contact Bonnie's ancestors. If the living didn't know anything, maybe the dead would provide an insight. They reached an abandoned, worn out and half shattered house. They cautiously walked inside. "Come quick.", a voice from their right said. Sitting on the floor surrounded by candles and a big pentacle drawn was their friend, Dean. He wasn't big on magic but he was still very powerful and was able to do more spells than anyone they knew. "Is everything ready?", Bonnie asked sitting beside him. "Yes. Remember when you could talk to people on the other side?", Dean asked. "You mean when I was the anchor.", Bonnie said. Dean nodded lighting the candles, "Yeah. It will be exactly like that. This is the safest spell I could find." Bonnie and Stefan nodded. They knew he meant well.

Bonnie occupied her position and stood at the exact, marked centre of the pentacle. Dean started reading out of a book. All the elements around them started started closing in on Bonnie, separating her from Stefan and Dean. She stood there with her eyes closed. Fire, water, earth and air formed a tornado around her, not touching her. Dean was right, this was a safe spell. Bonnie didn't feel anything at all. Once again the feeling of being an anchor over powered her human side and she saw her grandmother. "Grams", she said with a smile. "My child.", her grandmother cupped her face. Bonnie relished in that feeling for a while. The question on the tip of her tongue was answered, "I don't know what happened. Everything on this side is also noisy. Something big is coming child, be prepared.", Shiela said trying to tell her what she knew. Bonnie nodded. She closed her eyes and the loving touch by her grams was replaced by a cold hand. She opened her eyes and looked at Katherine. "This is going to hurt you.", the evil doppelganger smirked and before Bonnie could do anything, Katherine pierce passed right through her and an unbearable pain shot through Bonnie. She clutched her stomach and sat down. "I am sorry child but I have to do this." a voice said and she looked at someone who looked a lot like her. "No. Don't", but Bonnie was too late and that unknown person passed through her. After that everything was a blur and many more spirits passed through her. When at last she thought it was over. She laid on the ground ready to die or the spell to end. She kept her eyes open and a figure came and stood there, "You are so brave Bonnie Bennet. It's a such a pity that you have to die this way." And then the final spirit passed through her. Bonnie lay there passed out with the only word in her mind - Esther.

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