Chapter 8

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Caroline grunted as she slowly regained her consciousness and opened her eyes. Her head was throbbing. She had no clue where she was but it obvious that she was taken hostage. She lifted her head and looked at the place she was being held at. It was a huge, empty room with nothing but two chairs furthest from the door. The walls were olive green with the plaster peeling out in several places. She slowly looked at her guard. He was sitting bored in his chair, half asleep. "Who are you?", Caroline asked. "Oh good. You are awake.", he said and straightened himself. "Who are you?", she asked again. Hoping to get some idea about where she was, or why she was there, or who were her kidnappers. He still didn't answer. He just stared at her and she too looked at him straight in the eye. "What do you want from me?", she asked again. She was frustrated. This had happened before. But she wasn't sure what they needed from her this time. She didn't have anything. She contemplated vamping out of there but she felt too weak to do anything. They must have dosed me with vervain she thought. She looked at her fingers at least her ring was there.

The door opened and a brunette walked in with a huge crowd, "He is on his way." "Who is on his way? Stefan? Jeremy?" What do you want?", she asked the new comer, but again no answer. "Inject her. she talks too much.", the man stood up and injected enough vervain to make her so weak that staying awake was taxing. She kept her head down and tried to just stay quiet untill someone came for her.

The doors opened and a voice boomed loud, "Where is she?", Caroline jolted and looked at the man in front of her. Klaus. She would have recognised his voice anywhere. She just stared at him and when he located her, he held her eyes for a moment and the turned towards the brunette, "Let her go." "You know what we want. Give us and she is all yours.", the woman smirked. Everyone carefully surrounded Caroline. Ready to kill her, if he made one wrong move.

Klaus looked at her and his eyes flickered an emotion only reserved for her. He hadn't seen her in the past two decades, but his affection for hadn't changed. She was still the only girl he would ever want. Klaus nodded his head at her as if saying everything would be okay, that he would save her. And she believed him whole heartedly.

"Very well then. Release her first.", the original demanded. Her ropes were loosened and she tried to get up but fell. She couldn't even walk because of the vervain in her system. Klaus was by her side a second later and lifted her in his arm. She rested and sighed as he ran faster than ever to get her somewhere safe.


"She is stable. There was lots of internal bleeding but we managed to save her.", the doctor informed. "How soon can we take her home?", Jeremy asked. "As soon as she is awake, we will do some tests on her and if she seems fine, you can take her.", the man replied and walked away. "Liz, why don't you take Alaric and Shiela home. Jeremy and I will stay here tonight.", Stefan said. Liz nodded and the three of them walked away. "Don't worry. She is going to be okay.", Stefan said as he sat down beside Jeremy trying to console him. However he sucked at it. He wished Caroline was there, she knew how to take care of people. He sighed. They had no idea where she was. They were too worried about Bonnie to do anything. He took out his cell phone and tried calling her but no answer. He just hoped she was okay. "I don't know. This is getting way out of hand. It wasn't okay to be fighting for our lives back then and it isn't okay now. Now Alaric and Shiela are in danger.", Jeremy held his head in his hand. The two of them were never really close but Stefan knew that Jeremy was tired of going through and interacting with a part of life he didn't choose. He had lost too many to the supernatural beings. Jenna, Alaric, Elena, Anna, Vicki. He couldn't loose his family too.

The two men sat there and waited for news. Jeremy desperately hoped his life could go back to the way it was and Stefan prayed they would find out soon enough what they were up against. But most importantly, he wanted Caroline to came back soon.

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