Mr Delinquent wasn't supposed to know how I felt 3 - Friends

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Chapter 3 - friends

Alexis Pov

I wanted to be away from everyone.

I didn't want to show any weaknesses especially around Gillian. She was always so nice to me and I didn't want her to be sad for me.

That was the time when I broke down and cried.


I don't know how long I cried but I'm sure it wasn't that long since Gillian isn't back yet.

I grabbed my bag at my side and looked for my mirror. I checked my reflection if it was obvious if that I'd cried.

My eyes were slightly pink and so were my cheeks but other than the color my cheeks still had tear tracks that were still noticeable. I wiped them off with my handkerchief and checked my reflection again if I needed to powder my cheeks. But then I thought otherwise, it looked better with a slightly flushed look to it. As for my eyes, I couldn't do anything with it; I just hoped Gillian will take longer, well, just enough time for my eyes to return back to normal.

I suddenly heard the door chimes ring, it is so totally not my day today.

I looked at the door expecting to see Gillian ... but I saw Kenneth instead. I'd rather have Gillian see me like this not Kenneth. Why don't I get what I expect?!

"Oh! Alexis, you're awake." He said nervously.

"Of course, I would be" I replied glaring at him.

"Tough luck ..." He whispered then he mumbled something indistinct to my ears.

"WHAT ?????" I shouted at him.

"Huh?!" He seemed surprised. "NOTHING!" He shouted back at me.

And then we continued to a glaring match. Well, it wasn't exactly a match because I remembered that my eyes were still a bit pink and I averted my eyes away from his.

"What's wrong Alexis?" He said concern evident on his tone.

"Nothing" I replied still not looking at him.

"Awww ... Come on, look at me," He said frustrated. "I'm sorry if I've been ignoring you for the past few days-"

"weeks" I cut him off. It probably was just a week but then I was sure it was more than just a few days.

"-but there is a perfectly good explanation for my actions" He said continuing as if I never said a thing.

"Yeah? And what's that." I was still looking at the bed post, I was sure he was doing the begging thing with his eyes that always makes me forgive him. I know, I'm so pathetic but then you should look at his face when he does that and you would be doing the same thing I always do.

"Ummmm ... I'm not sure I haven't really thought about it." He said trying to crack me up. I wasn't really in the mood for jokes. I just cried my heart out a while ago, I can't recover from a heartbreak in just mere seconds.

"Ha ha, funny" I said sarcastically. "You should try that with Gillian, I'm sure that'll crack her up"

"Yeah, right. She's as cold as ice. The only person she shows any emotion is you." He replied. It was the truth. Though we grew up together I was the only one that was able to melt Gillian's ice cold heart and ever since then we've been inseparable.

"Come on, Alexis. Look at me"

"No ..."

"Look at me ..."

"I told you, no."

"Please, just for a short while"


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