Mr Delinquent wasn't supposed to know how I felt 5 - Secrets

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He suddenly pulled me towards him, I was sure I was as red as a tomato already.

"I'm sorry, Alexis" He told me. "You need to know something ..."

Chapter 5 - Secrets

"What is it?" I asked, urging him to continue.

He would've continued but my phone's ringing stopped him.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly. "I need to answer this."

"Go ahead," He told me.

I turned around and answered the call not even checking the caller id-I do that frequently if you haven't noticed already. 

"Hello?" I answered.

"Alexis? Is that you?" I heard him through the phone.

"Who else would answer my phone?" I asked him raising an eyebrow even though he wouldn't be able to see.

"Wrong question," He murmured. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Nothing, I was just worried about you."

"How sweet! Are you going soft, Kenneth?" I asked him, laughing at the end.

"NO!" He shouted through the phone. "I was just worried about you."

"There's nothing to be worried about." I assured him. "I can take care of myself."

"Yeah, you told me that for 3 times already." He said. "or was it 4?"

A cold wind suddenly brushed my face making me shiver. It was a good thing that Kiel made me wear his jacket because the wind started to pick up, making me shiver even more.

"You, okay?" I heard Kiel say behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. He started to rub my shoulders making me feel warmer.

"Thanks." I looked up at him smiling.

"Huh? Alexis? Is someone with you?" I heard Kenneth on the phone. "What time is it anyway?" I heard some noises from the other line. "Shit! It's 8 o'clock already? I'm sorry about calling you so suddenly I know how much your mom hates it when you pay all your attention to your phone."

"It's okay." I told him.

"Where are you now, anyway?" He asked me. "It's just too quiet for you to be just hanging at home."

"Actually, I'm at the park." I assessed my replies to him carefully. "The moon was so wonderful tonight that I wanted to look at it." I wasn't lying. The moon was beautiful, especially when it shined on Kiel's breathtaking face.

"Would you like some company?" He asked me, I could already hear movement at his end.

I felt Kiel tense behind me and he moved a step away.

"It's okay." I said, not sure to whom I actually wanted to direct what I had just said. "I was already heading home. It's starting to get cold already."

"Ohhh ... okay," His tone was full of disappointment. I felt my heart tighten. I wasn't used to disappointing Kenneth but ... I think the two would probably start fighting again if they saw each other.

"Sorry," I suddenly blurted out.

"It's okay," I heard his cheery laugh. "See you tomorrow."

"See yah." I smiled.

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