chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

The bus ride home was the same as all of the others. I sat in a seat by myself and listened to sleeping with sirens. No one really bothers me on the bus due to my reputation but I didn't care because thanks to my reputation I don't have to sit next to musty immature selfish Monkeys who call themselves boys but girls can also be like that. Only thing I hate about riding the bus is the amount of people on this broken up bus. Considering I am very short it makes me feel claustrophobic because everything is moving towards me or around me.

The way I overcome that is by getting in the nearest empty seat and staying there. When people see me sitting they avoid sitting anywhere near me unless the principal is pulled onto the bus because of a fight.

Stop after stop the bus starts to get quieter. Most of the loud and obnoxious people got off at the first three stops. The people who got off at those three stops were the main people that talked about me on the bus. Everyone else could care less about me. They only got in the conversation when they felt like being a major donkeys' butts to make me feel even worse. Those are the people I could only tolerate sometimes when they were being upset because someone upset them and ruined their day.

I liked it when those people got off the bus because I could take my head-phones out and listen to what was going on around me. If they were talking about interesting things I would keep them out of my ears until everyone got quiet because the person telling the story left or they caught me listening in on their conversation and threatened to cut my ears odd.

Luckily the bus driver heard this guy one time and wrote him up for harassment. Ever since then they left me alone when they noticed I was listening.

Sometimes it sucked being who I was because everyone always forgot about me. When it comes to things like having fun or being given a single sheet of paper so my classwork could be done.



Most of my neighbors were outside doing yard work so they wouldn't get a fine from Home Owners Association when I was walking home.

I liked my neighbors they were nice. When they had nieces and nephews over I would hang out with them. They were really nice. And the shocking thing is THEY WERE JUST LIKE ME.

They were bullied all of the time. Except they had the nerve to stand up to their bullies I didn't. They gave me advice on the things I should do when I confront them. The last time I confronted my bully I was slapped across the face and kicked in the stomach and nose. It was surprising I didn't cough up blood or need to go to the hospital. I wasn't able to see them every day because we all went to different schools except Molly and holly who are twins.

To make our lives better they are all planning on moving down here so we all can go to the same school and be able to hang out with each other more often. If/when they move down here we promised each other that we would form a group with just us in it so we could be the kids who were bullied but also best friends

Sometimes I feel like they understand me better than my own best friends do. But who knows maybe it was supposed to be like this. All of the weird kids understand each other than the bullied kids and the normal kids.

When my house was in seeing distance I could see that my parents were not home yet. It didn't surprise me because my parents loved coming home late. They claimed it was because they had loads of work to do and wanted it finished but in reality they just went to the bar and got drunk off of rich people martinis.

But tonight my god mother was coming over they would be home earlier than 11:00 at night. They always got on to me when I came home late because apparently they have to do important things like hanging out with their friends. When they came home late I was really happy because it gave me time to think about all of the horrible things in my life and more freedom to do whatever I wanted without them finding out about it.

I got in my house and texted my parents letting them know I was home. I never called them because for 1) the last time I did that they beat the crap out of me for ruining one of their meetings and for 2) I didn't like talking to them because they pretended they cared when they really don't. I took my ear plugs out and laid them on my bed while throwing everything else on the floor. I looked for the hidden knife I had in my dresser. I kept it there because that was the only place I went every day.

The knife became my best friend when I first started to get bullied three years ago. It was too much for me especially when my father had his perverted friend staying at the house at the time and raped me. It was horrid. I locked my room and never came out until I knew his friend was gone.

I loved my knife. I sharpened it every night before I went to bed. I slept with it because it was my protection. Even though my door was locked I still slept with it just in case someone decides to break down my door. Sometimes I didn't go to sleep at all because I was contemplating on killing myself or not.

I closed and locked my door even though I knew there was no one here except for me. With the knife in my hand I raised my shaky hand and pressed it against my skin. Pressing down deeply I drew one long slit across my long arm.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Did you guys like the chapter. It has been a while since I updates not that anyone would notice. Please tell me what you guys think about it by commenting voting or sharing. Feel free to tell others Bout the story. I will try to update when I can.

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