11: Fidelity

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When I woke up the sun was pouring through the curtains on my window spilling across the bed on to Harry and I. I rolled so I could see his face, and to my surprise I was met with green eyes staring back at me.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked curiously and he shrugged.

"I don't know, a while."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I didn't want to disturb you, you looked comfortable."

I was comfortable, laying enveloped in Harry's warmth was the most comfort I had in a long time.

"What time is it?" I asked and he turned his head to peer at the clock on the beside table.

"A little past noon."

"Devlin may come home for lunch." I said observing and I felt Harry's fingers toying at strands of my hair.

"Does that mean you want me to go?"

"What?" I asked sitting up and looking at him.

"No of course not, I just don't want a repeat of yesterday."

He nodded, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"Yeah, yesterday was something else. I thought we were caught for sure."

Just then a noise downstairs caught both our attentions.

"When does Devlin normally take lunch?" Harry asked and I shook my head confused.

"Normally around one."

"Do you think she's here early?" He asked raising an eyebrow and I shrugged, panic etching my features again.

"I'll go see." I said and started climbing out of bed.

"You stay here and I'll come back as soon as it's clear."

Harry nodded and I headed for my bedroom door.

"Avery." He called after me and I turned to look at him.

"You may want to cover your neck."

I took a step back and took a peep at myself in the mirror and gasped at the new forming hickey at the base of my neck.

"Honestly Harry." I grumbled and fished some concealer out of my makeup bag on the dresser quickly applying a thick layer over the hickey, it was barely noticeable, but I let my hair down anyway ruffling it around my neck to make it look more natural.

I headed for the door and opened it, peering out into the hallway, it was clear.

"Dev?" I called down the hallway, silence.

I turned to Harry and shrugged but another shuffling noise down stairs had us both exchange glances.

"I'll go." Harry said and started to get out bed.

"No!" I hissed.

"You can't go down there in case it is Devlin and she sees you. She will have a conniption!"

"Fine," he said clearly agitated, "but you holler for me if you need me." He said sternly and I nodded.

I stepped out in the hallway and closed my bedroom door behind me, more shuffling about below me came as I neared the stairs.

"Devlin?" I shouted down the stairs.

"Avery?" A voice called back up and I froze in my tracks, nothing had prepared me for this moment.

"Tristan??" I asked and headed down the stairs, his face came into view as I got to the bottom. He was dressed in his uniform.

"What the hell are you doing here? And more importantly snooping around my house?" I asked confused and annoyed at his dropping by and letting himself in.

Case #111 ☆ h.s. AUWhere stories live. Discover now