14: Waves

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Patience is something I have never and probably will never have. Patience for people, situations, time, anything. At twenty three years old I have learned that patience is the key to just about everything in life and yet, I have none.

I was huddled under a seven dollar umbrella from the airport gift shop as rain poured down around me, beating the top of the umbrella like a drum. Miami heat rising from the concrete as the rain pelted down.

I watched, with my nonexistent patience, as Harry tried to flag down a taxi.

"Maybe we should just call one." I yelled over the rain and Harry shook his head, his hair sticking to his face from the rain, his clothes soaking wet.

"We can't use our phones." He shouted back.

I remembered then the discussion on the plane.

Once we were safely in the air I pulled my cell phone out of my jacket pocket and unlocked it to find several missed calls and messages from Devlin.

"Where are you?" "Are you okay?" "Avery I'm getting worried."

I wanted to message her back but I felt Harry's eyes on me.


"What?" I asked lifting an eyebrow speculating.

"Don't message her back. She can track you, ya know. We'll have to get rid of these as soon as we land." He said fishing his own phone out of his pocket.

"Harry I have to let her know I'm okay. I won't mention anything about you." I persisted.

"She's no doubt already figured out you're with me." He said rolling his eyes.

"Harry.." I said and he looked at me in the eyes.

"Fine. We will call her from a pay phone or something in Miami, it's just a temporary stop anyway." He said and I nodded. She was no doubt going to flip and I had absolutely no idea what I was going to say to her.

Harry whistled and a taxi came to the shoulder splashing water from the road up on us, soaking my clothes.

Harry took my hand and pulled me into the cab behind him.

"Where to?" The driver asked, he was bald, older.

"Seaside Hotel on Maine." Harry said and I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"No problem."

We pulled away from the curb and slid into the traffic going down the freeway.

"It's nice. I've been there once before." Harry said looking out the window at the passing cars and people walking down the street in shorts and flip flops, which reminded me, I was dressed in a pair of fleece leggings and a long sleeved shirt and a hoodie with fur boots. The weather here was a drastic change from London and we were only headed further south. I was going to need cooler clothes.

"We need to go by an atm." I said and he turned to look at me.

"What for?"

"I need to get money out of my account and buy some cooler clothes." I explained and he was hesitant.

"You'll need to get rid of your debit card." He said quietly so the driver wouldn't hear.

I already knew he was going to say for tracking purposes.

I agreed and he was quiet again.

A short while later we were pulling up to a hotel and Harry tipped the driver before we climbed out, it had already stopped raining, typical for Florida.

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