Chapter Two

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We walked around New york all day. At the end of the day, after we had dinner, he took me to the hotel he was staying at. It was falling apart much like my dad's apartment building. He took out the keys for his room. He swung open the door and let me get in.

"Um..where am I going to sleep?" I asked looking for a couch or second bed.

"Right there," he said pointing to bed, lighting a cigarette,

"And where are you gonna sleep?"

"There," he pointed to the bed again.

"Hand me a cigarette," I put out my hand. He handed me one and lit me up.

"So? You don't wanna sleep in the bed?"

"No, it's fine." I waved the hand with the cigarette in it and headed to the window. I pushed back the curtain, and saw the cars speeding down the road.

"So, why were you running away?" He was sitting on the bed.

"My dad. He's a drunk and abusive," I sat down next to him. "I was fed up with his shit. I ran out and never looked back."

"I could tell. You hit me pretty hard."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just wasn't paying attention."

"It's fine," he rubbed his chest. "It didn't hurt."

I looked at his suitcase, then at him. He seemed bigger than me.

"Your clothes ," I nodded towards the suitcase. "You got an extra t-shirt?"

"Yeah," he took and tossed it to me.

"Thanks," I got up and went and got into it.

When I got out of the bathroom, he was lifting his shirt over his head. Too bad his had an under shirt on under it. I turned around to put my clothes down on a chair. When I turned back around, he was wearing no shirt.

"You look good in my shirt," he smiled at me.

"Thanks," I said. "It fits pretty well."

"Yeah it does," he said getting into the bed.

I felt a little uncomfortable getting into this bed with a complete stranger. I laid facing the wall and fell asleep.

When I woke up, Dally was on the floor asleep. Either her fell out, or he was uncomfortable too. Probably uncomfortable. He's a big boy. I would have heard if he fell.

"Morning," I said, shaking him awake.

"Hey," he said rubbing his sleepy eyes.

I slipped into my jeans and kept on his t-shirt. He was putting on his shirt and jacket. We probably had to leave.

"You don't mind if i keep on your shirt, do you? It's kinda nice."

"No. No problem. You look good in it." 

He lead me out the door. We walked to the train station. He lead me in a back way and we got on a train without buying a ticket. When the ticket collector came around Dally handed him two tickets. When he walked away I gave him a strange look.

He leaned in and whispered, "I got a guy. He gives me a whole bunch."

"Nice," I leaned back in the seat. I watched the blackness pass by. I smiled knowing I was getting away.

We pulled into Tulsa in the afternoon. We had been on the train so long I was happy to get off. Dally started walking so I followed him. We walked about six minutes. Then we got to an old, bad looking house. But it looked so much better than mine, because I knew my dad wasn't in it.I just stood there smiling.

"Why are you smiling so much?" He asked me.

"I'm free,"

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