Chapter Eleven

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I got out of the hospital two days later. I had to leave so I went back to Dally's place to get my limited number of things. He wasn't there of course he wouldn't be there. 

I had gotten my jacket and shoes, the only things i had there, and headed out. 

There he was, out on the walkway, waiting for me.

"This is it," I said and shrugged. 

"Yeah," he nodded.

I walked over to him and hugged him goodbye. Then I walked over to the train station.

"Hey!" He shouted.

Don't try to make me stay. I thought.

"You'll need one of these," he ran up behind me and handed me the fake train tickets he had.

'Thanks," I said and walked a way a little faster so he wouldn't say anything else.

I walked pass the Curtis house and told them I was going and I'd be back one day. 

Then I got to the train station, got on a train, and rode away. Back to where I came from. I sighed and thought about how it would be when I went back.

I will make a sequeal. I will update later to tell you the title.

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