Chapter Six

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After talking some more with the Curtis brothers, we went home.

When we got into the house, I was pretty tired. I took off my jacket and jeans and went to lay down on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Dally asked.

"Going to bed," I pointed at the couch.

"You don't want to sleep with me?" He pointed to his bedroom.

I smiled and blushed. "Okay," I walked into the backroom.

He took off his shirt and jeans and slid into bed. He was just wearing boxers. He layed down and put his arm around me. I snuggled into him and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Dally wasn't into bed. I smelt fodd, bacon. I sat up. As soon as I sat up, I had a headache. I didn't drink anything last night, so it couldn't had been a hangover. I stood up and my stomach started to bother me. I sat back down on the bed. 

"Dally!" I called.

"Yeah?" He came running in. I must have sounded bad.

"I don't feel so good."

"Let's go for a walk. You can drink some medicine in the drugstore bathroom."

"Okay," I stood up and held my head and stomach.

We walked down the street. then he walked me into a drugstore. We found some medicine and I slid it under my shirt. Then I went into the bthroom, hid in a stall, and drank the amount it said to and a little bit more. My stomach really hurt.

When I walked out, Dally nodded and I nodded back. He put his arm around me and we walked out. 

"I was going to go hang over at Buck's with you. But if you don't feel good, we can just go home."

I shook my head no and he walked me back home.

I layed down at 11:45 and didn't wake up until 3:15. I sat up and Dally was sitting on the mattress watching me.

"Feel better?" He rubbed my back.

"Kinda. My stomach hurts less but now I'm dizzy and groggy." 

He nodded and looked at the wall.

"You don't think it could be...." He looked back at me.

Oh crap! I never thought of that. Shit!

I put my face in my hand. Dally put his hand on my shoulder and grinned at me.

"I'll run back down to the drugstore." He headed out.

I layed down on the bed. I starred at the ceiling. Could it be? This is terrible.

Dally came back in with a box of pregnantcy tests. I took one and went into the bathroom. I sat down, watching, praying that I just had a stomach flu. When the test turned to positive, I started crying. Dally must have heard it because in seconds he was up against the door. I opened the door and just fell into his arms.

"It's true," I looked into his eyes.

"Oh god," he walked away from me. 

"How will we hide it from the guys. Ya know. I'll grow," I strectched my arms over my stomach.

"We'll skip town,"

"NO! We'll just have to tell them," I sighed pushing my hair back. 'But not today. Maybe when I do start growing to explain why i'm growing." I started crying again. 

We went over to the Curtis house and i felt awkward. I felt sick and wanted to tell them. I sat down in the kitchen and drank a soda. Ponyboy came in and sat next to me.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah," my voice trailed off.

"You don't seem it."

"Okay," I sat on my knees in front of him. 'I'll tell you something but you can't tell anyone." I leaned in and started to whisper. 'I'm pregnant."

His jaw dropped. he knew I liked Dally. And I lived with him. So who else could it be?

"Is it..." he pointed to the living room where Dally was.

"Yeah," I nodded. "And i'm worried about him," I sat back down against the cabinet. "He doesn't seem like someone who likes little kids. Or is a good example for one."

"He'll be a good father." Ponyboy looked at me. "He's like a father to Johnny, and Johnny likes him. Well, that's a bad example because Johnny's in a gang and carries a blade."

My eyes widened. "Well, I won't mind if my kids a greaser. You guys aren't a bad as everyone makes you seem."

Ponyboy looked at me and smiled. 'Your right, we're not bad people. Finally, someone notices."

I nodded at him. "Yeah, you guys only really fight the Socs because the Socs beat you up first. They start it then make you people look bad."

Ponyboy nodded. Then he hugged me. "You understand. I wish you could go outside and shout it to the world. In fact..." he stood up and helped me up. "Let's go,"

As we walked through the living room, Ponyboy told the other boys to came with us.

Once we were outside, Ponyboy told us his plan.

"We're gonna shout that we're proud to be greasers."

Dally stepped up. "I'm proud to be a greaser. I don't get in trouble to get attention from fricken mommy and daddy. I do it for the fucking thrill."

Sodapop stepped foward. "You call me a menice to society and a dropout but I'm smarter than you'll ever be and do more for this town. What the hell does fighting do for a town?" He shot his fist into the air.

Darry was next. "I am not asshamed of who I am. Call me a greaser as much as you want. it doesn't bother me. It only makes me stronger."

I stepped up. "I may be new to the gang, but I ain't leaving you boys. You're better friends than any Soc. They welcomed me! And I'm proud to be a fricken greaser goddamnit."

I looked over at Dally and he smiled at me. Ponboy hugged me, and when I looked over at Dally he was giving me a suspicious look. I shook my head and laughed at him.

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