Ch.1 FlashBack

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Ch. 1 FlashBack

I looked out of the window to find a Uhaul blocking my view. My tummy growled so I decided to go into the kitchen.

"Cyana, can I have Apple sauce?" I asked my big sister.

"yeah, then we're going to go outside. Greg is drin...being mean right now." She said quickly. She handed the cup of Apple sauce to me and a spoon then we sat on the porch. Greg is our mother's boyfriend. He's the one who was mean to daddy and drove him away.

" I miss Gustavo." Cyana mumbled.

"I miss my daddy too. maybe we can go find him." I said to her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"No Shiv, Greg made us run away from him. if we find him he's gonna take you away from Mommy and I and I'll be lonely." Cyana began crying. I felt bad I shouldn't have said that to her. I was being mean.

"Maybe, he can take you with--"  I began but she interrupted me. "No, he can't because that's not my dad, he's yours. haven't you noticed the difference in our skin colors and our hair textures?"

I wiped away her tears and hugged her. I continued eating my Apple sauce until a ball knocked the cup out of my hands. I looked around and saw a little boy running towards us.

"Hey! you knocked my Apple sauce out of my hands!" I whined.

"It's just Apple sauce. you're the one who got Apple sauce on my ball." He said rolling his eyes.

"you're mean!" I yelled. I looked at Cyana for help and she just shook her head. She had been telling me it was time I start fighting my own battles. I sighed loudly and returned my attention to the boy.

"...So it is true. black people get mad at everything." He said turning to walk away. My mouth immediately dropped open.

"Hey, you wanna see what us black people can do?" I asked. He turned around and walked toward me and said sure. I looked at Cyana who was still shocked. I turned back around and punched him as hard as I could.

"You don't talk to me like that I'm a lady." I said then I punched him again. I went to punch him again but Cyana grabbed me and made me stop. Cyana apologized and  I was put in time out for the rest of the day.

The next day I went outside and the little boy was sitting on my porch.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I just never met black people before and I'd thought it would be funny to say that." He said sincerely.

"It's fine. I'm not mad any more. What's your name?" I asked nicely.

"I'm Dylan. What's yours?"

"I'm Siobhon but you can call me Shiv." I said.

"I think I'm going to call you Bonnie. Oh yeah I just moved here. I think we will be going to the same school. how old are you?" He was being a lot nicer today.

"I'm 6 and oh I like Bonnie. nice to meet you on a nicer note." I replied.

this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

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