a sound

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Skye's POV

S--t where are they? I searched the whole school, there homes, Monets, that clif they like... I cant find them..and their parents have no clue either.

Tony's dad got into a fight with a tall dark skined man a few hours ago and is hurt badly. Were are they?!

I ran to the hospital where Tony's father is.

"Hola Skye" his mother greeted.

"Hola, I can't find them and they seem to not have their phones." I sat in a chair next to her.

"...I know tony..they will be ok." She said this while avoiding my gaze.

"H-he is strong boy" His father mummbled.

"I know, I know..but won't that man go after them?" I asked worried.

His mother looked at me with sad eyes."its going to be ok".


Clay's POV

We danced for a while and the song seemed to never stop. I followed Tony's lead and watched my steps carefull not to step on him.

"Look up clay, not down" Tony laughed.

"Ah..ya" I smiled weakly.

I looked into his dark eyes shimmering in the dim light of the setting sun.

"We should start a fire" Tony said as the music ended.

I nodded in a agreement and I walked to the kitchen. There was some bread and jam and I used it to make us some sandwiches.

When I put the plates down on the table I looked over at Tony who seemed content with the fire he made.

"Lets eat" I took his wrist and lead him to a seat at the table.

"I'm not very hungry" He pushed the plate away.

"I promes its better then it looks" I said talking a bite of my sandwich.

"Its not that..I'm scared of..what Am could do to my dad."

"...is he that bad?" His father is strong so..Al would have to be stronger.

"Yes clay, very bad." Tony put his head in his hands..

"I'm sure it will be alright" I tryed to comfort him.

"Lets hope so" He stood up and walked to what I guessed was a bedroom.

"So..lets just sleep for now" I walked in and layed next to him.


Tony's POV

I few hours past and I cod tell clay was asleep. His breath hitched now and again and I wondered if he was having a nightmare.

A million thoughts rushed through my head at a million miles an hour. I couldn't sleep and fet bad for not brining my phone.

I was about to close my eyes when I hurd a slight bang out side, the sound of a car door closing. I sat up to listen and I hurd fast footsteps coming towards us.

I instinctively pulled clay to me and rolled to the far side of the bed I let my self fall with clay on top. The bed hid us from view. The door slowly opened and I hurd a loud noise..a gun shot.

A/N another clif hanger...*evil laugh* sorry

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