in another universe part 5

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I pulled up infront of her house and helped her into her room.

"Its fine tony you don't have to help me-"

"Yes I do" I cut her off.

"It was my fault anyway" I added

"Not it wasent I jumped in front"

"I could have see you sooner" I wet a towel with water and placed it on her leg.

"Don't blame your self tony" she looked almost sad.

"Done" I said as I placed the towel aside.

"Thanks" she blushed.

Dios, She's so cute.

"I should go now" I didn't want to leave but I had to.

"Y-ya" was she ...sad???

I left and drove to the school where I was tutoring.

One hour later

I just got home and sat in bed when my phone buzzed.

Did you see your girlllfrienddd today?



Dang. He's gona make fun of me forever now.

Tony's got a girlllfrienddd

She's not my- Clay are you drunk or something?

NOoo. would naver

Your drunk clay. Take a nap

O mi dios.(Oh my god)

It's not even completely night yet and that idiot is drunk. And probably with Skye. I sighed and shook my head.

Girlfriend....oh if only.

-Bianca's POV-

After Tony left I fell asleep. I have been running back and forth because of my sick grandma and. My job/Responsibility(s) I have.

I like him. He's so caring and makes me forget all my least for a little bit.

"BIA! Can you feed the cats?" My mom yelled through my closed door.

"Yes!" I sighed and stood.

My mom is also very bussy so I don't mind helping out.

We had two cats. One was Lucy and the other Mittens. Mittens was black with white spots on his paws. And Lucy was an orange cat with brown stripes down her back.

I filled there water and food bowls and sat on the couch with the Tv on.

"Drunk driver gets into a crash"


"Seems to be just out of highschool"

I hope the guy is ok.

-Tony's POV-



(Oh my god clay why where you driving so late anyway??)

I saw the news and saw it was clay. I lost it. I threw everything in my room and fell to the ground.

It he ok????

A/n sorry its short and sorry its not accurate

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