a problem?

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A/N sorry for that last cliff hanger. Lol Ill stop doing that.

Tony's POV

I heard someone fall to the ground and some one running towards us. I quickly stood up gently placing Clay to the side.

I took a baseball bat that was proped up against the wall and slowly made my way to the door.

I was ready to swing at who ever was there. Luckly I noticed who it was before I hit.

"SKYE??" I yelled and put the bat down.

"Sorry! SORRY! I was looking for you two and I saw some sketchy guy coming here" she started.

"I took your fathers gun and shot at a tall man who was near the mustang and opening the door.. The others ran but they'll come back." She sat on a chair and caught her breath.

"Tony!" I heard clay stumble around the room looking for me.

"Right here, mi amor" I called.

I saw clay stumbling around, eyes half closed. I finally reached where I was standing and fell forward.

I caught him and hugged him to me. He closed his eyes, opened them and slowly started to wake up.

"Mornin' sleepy head" Skye laughed.

"Mmhm go waay" clay murmmered.

"Ha. I saved you. Show some gratitude"

"Mhm neverr you you..." he paused.

"I'm going back to bed" wow..he is still more than half asleep.

I helped him back to bed and went into the living room with Skye.

"How is everyone?" I asked worried.

"Your father is in the hospital...every one else is fine" she started.

"But the guy-"


"Al.. He got away..we don't know where he is"

I sighed. Its to early for this. Its barely 4 am.

"Why are you here so early anyway?"

"Like I told you. I was a sketchy car driving into the woods..I was going home from the hospital.."


"I uh.. Ill get going..don't want anyone following me..watch out for the others around here."

"Sure. Ya be carefull.. Were fine here."

I nodded and stood up to escort skye to the door. I walked out and looked around the man was gone but a blood stain remained.

"...where did you shoot him?"

"Leg..the car is gone..they must have fled."

"Ya..be carefull alright?"

"Umhum ill be fine" she waved goodbye and drove off in her silver Subaru.(a car)"

I walked back inside and layed down closing my eyes. Although I can sleep I need to rest..

I jumped at every small sound.. I wrapped a protective arm around clay and burried my face in his back. This is harder then I thought.

A/N chapter 11! Lets see how far the storie goes! I want them to get married :3

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