Chapter 8

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Brooklyn Pov..

I woke up to pains in my lower stomach. I groaned as i kicked the sheets off and drag myself to the bathroom. I pulled my shorts and underwear down and sat down on the toilet. My stomach was really killing me this morning. Once i was finish, i reached over for some tissue but i noticed blood in my underwear.

" SERIOUSLY!! " i yelled in anger. I know damn well i ain't just got my period. This shit is soo fucking annoying. I quickly got out my clothes and hopped in the shower. I took a ten minute shower and got out. Grabbing my towel, i wrapped it around my body and walking to my room. I put on some house clothes and got back in bed. As soon as i was about to go to sleep, my door swings open.

" Brook, you sleep? " I heard Ken's voice say behind me.

" Yes " i said under the covers.

" How can you be sleep if you answered- "

" The fuck you want, man?! " i hollered.

" Ok first, your not going to be yelling at me. And second, wheres my curling iron? " Ken asked. I sucked my teeth.

" Man, I don't know. Its not in here " I said.

" Brook, your the only one who uses my shit! Find my damn curling iron! " she said. Like she was my fucking  mother or sum shit.

" I ain't gotta find shit! That ain't my curling iron, you look for it. Got me fucked up! " I said, raising my voice.

" AYE Y'ALL BETTER WATCH Y'ALL FUCKING MOUTHS, CURSING IN MY HOUSE!! " that bitch yelled from the other room. I rolled my eyes. Ken growled in annoyance and stormed out my room. Maybe I can finally go to sleep and try to sleep away these cramps.

Hours later...

I woke up groaning in pain. I sat up and checked my phone. It was 4:25. I slept for most of the day. I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I opened my cabinet to see no pills.

" Ughh! " I growned. I started to slowly walk out the bathroom, out my room, swaying side to side. I had cramps in my stomach, lower back and my vagina. I walked into my dad's room to see that bitch sitting on the bed. She looked up at me and I gave her look of attitude and kept walking to this bathroom. I looked in cabinet and saw some PM pills. I snatched the bottle and walked out.

" What're you think your doing? Did you ask to take your father's stuff? " I asked with attitude. I stuck up my middle finger at her, which caught  her by surprise and walked out the room. I walked pass Ariel's room and she wasn't in there. I walked pass Ken's room and neither was she. I shrugged and continued to walk to my room. As I was walking, my dad came from around the corner holding boxes.

" Hey Brook, what's wrong? You don't look to good " my dad asked with concern as he put the boxes down.

" Just got a headache. Nothing major " I said. He nodded. My dad doesn't know I get my period. I was 11 when I first got my period and I'm 17 now. My mom showed my what to do and from that point on, I been doing what she showed me.

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