Dreams of the Beginning

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Fog slowly drifted across the dark street. Footsteps rang in the dark alley between the market and housing area. Maria, a thief from Napis, neared a tall house with large windows. It was a very warm night as she climbed on top of a box, she felt the wall for a foothold until she found one. Step by step she pushed off and found another foot hold, gripping the edges of stones across the wall. A window near the top floor was open, a small light shining through and against the stone wall across the alley. She slipped through and into the darkness of the house, the sounds of man snoring in the next room nipped at her mind, making her think he was woken by her presence. She slowly crept through the house, feeling her way around the darkness until her hand landed on a vase. Something moved in the corner, she spun around as she whipped a knife, that was dripping with poison from its blade, from her pocket. She neared the corner with her knife. A small wisp of wind flew past her ear as she lunged toward the corner, knife digging into a fabric that must have been hung for decoration. She counted ten seconds before moving again with more caution. A door in the hall swung open and footsteps drew nearer to her, she grabbed the closest things and climbed out the window as a man appeared around the corner, she groped for a foothold before pushing off and against the next wall. The man yelled and reached for her.

"You nasty little prick! Get back here! I'll have you hung for breaking into MY house!" He bellowed, taking hold of the back of her shirt and pulling with great force.

"No!" She yelled and swung her knife around, the man let go quickly to avoid the blade. She climbed up the wall as fast as she could, items in her hand dropping as she climbed with haste. She rushed over the edge and climbed on to the roof of a neighboring house. Maria sprinted towards the gates of the market, wind howling past her ears and her hair flowing back behind her. She leaped off the house and on to a smaller marketing building. She jumped down and ran towards a large flat rock, lifting it up she jumped down into a hidden den-like place. Slouching down against the stone walls placed around her, she looked down at the remainder of her takings. A vase, wine glass, and bracelet of silver were still grasped in her arms. She slowly set them down to admire the bracelet.

"Wow... this is nice," she said, holding it up to the light. Suddenly a flash of light covered her hideout, she screamed and fell back. A man stood up, dusting off and looking around.

"This isn't the house.. where am I-" he noticed her on the ground, his eyes widened.

"Shapeshifter!" She screamed, she ripped her knife from her belt, poison bottles and pieces from her leather belt fell. He stepped back, not thinking quick enough, she pinned him to the stone wall and held the knife close to his throat.

"What's your name?" She asked, moving the blade closer and staring him in the eye.

"It's- I'm Titus Calvin," he said, tilting his head back to avoid the cold blade against his throat.

"Alright.. Titus.. I'm Maria Springs, from Napis, no need to inform me that you're from Livoexy," she said, as Titus's eyes adjusted to the light he started to notice her bright green eyes, her light brown hair flowing over her shoulders, pale but also so bright and beautiful lips, a dirty dark red shirt torn, and her pants cut for climbing.

"Oh- um, so why have you brought me here?" He asked. She stared at him for a moment then looked down at the two other items that remained to stay in their form. He took his chance, grabbing her wrist and rolling the blade away from his throat, he kicked her feet out from under her. She stumbled back then fell, her knife clanged against the stone floor while making a sound that echoed in his ears. He grabbed the knife and pointed it at her.

He smirked, "a Napis that is slow?"

"That just startled me."

"Sure," he smiled, lowering the knife and slowly backing up. Her body suddenly faded to dust, a hand grasped the knife from his grip and pushed him against the wall.

"But I see you're fast to teleport," he said, looking over his shoulder and at her while she looked at him.

"Yup," she said as she smirked triumphantly. She stared at him as a smile spread across her face.

"What's that smile for," he asked, grinning a little.

"Oh— uh," she began, starting to blush.

"So what are you going to do? Turn me in," he asked.
She stared for a moment as the blush started to fade, then she finally spoke, "no.. I can't do that to such a weakling."

"Weak," He spoke loudly, "I'll have you know, that I am top in my training facility!"

"Sure," she smirked.

"Oh yea, you didn't do to well yourself. I guess you can't teleport when you're to focused on not dropping things," he said. Her eyes widened then narrowed again.

"You won't tell anyone about this," she said as she let him go. She walked to the objects and started to pack them up again, she slid the knife into what remained of her belt.

"So you are just going to leave me like this?"

"Like what?"

"Without a rival friend of course."

"Oh really? And how would I make that work? Two people, separated by blood and leaders. It's highly unlikely."

"Well," he started, then hesitated. After a few minutes of thinking he spoke again, "well then how about like Romeo and Juliet?"

"What do you mean?" She said, starting to blush.

"Well I mean like, it's obvious that your into me," he said, flexing and wiggling his eyebrows. She giggled then turned away.
He moved close behind her, "is that a yes," he asked. She slowly turned around to him, she could feel the heat from his tall muscular body and his eyes on her.


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