Out With The Truth

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It's been nine years ever since Adrian was taken in by the Moon family. He has already taken the role of a big brother to Devin, who is still oblivious of their blood differences. Devin's tenth birthday is tomorrow and Vince has gone to work. Saki stayed home to look after Adrain and Devin. Adrian is now 16 and hasn't been able to leave the house, it isn't so bad once he adjusted to how everything went. Sometimes he wonders what his classmates think happened to him. Maybe no one even noticed his absence.

"Devin, what story do you want to hear tonight?" Asked Saki, sitting between Adrian and Devin's mattresses.

"Sunshine!" Exclaimed Devin in an excited tone.

Adrian groaned, "not that one again.."
Devin stared at Adrian then back at Saki.

"Mom make him shut up!" Devin pointed at Adrian, "he's being mean!"
Saki looked at Adrian then back at Devin.

"That wasn't very nice to say Devin, and Adrian, it's his birthday tomorrow so he's picking the story. You can leave the room until it's over or stay and listen." This is how it's always been, Adrian thought as he got up and left the room. He stopped halfway down the hallway, replaying what just happened in his mind. He started off towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass from under the sink. Vince walked in and stared at Adrian, grunted what seemed like a hello, then walked off to where he could hear Saki. Vince has kind of turned into a dad figure to Adrian, but just like a dad that didn't ask for another son.

"Alright Adrian! To bed with you," said Saki with a bright smile as Vince walked out of the room with her, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Adrian looked at them before entering the room, the darkness had already filled the room as he walked to his bed. The soft mattress flattened slighting under Adrian's weight. Laying down under the covers, Adrian slowly drifted into a slow and calm sleep. It felt like only a few minutes passed while Adrian dreamt of a field full of flowers and three blurred figures in the distance. Suddenly Adrian awoke when Saki rushed in and started yelling, all the lights had been turned on somehow, but all the candles were out. Light had started to shine outside the house and down the streets. Citizens stopped and stared in shock and horror at the light filling the areas around them, a much brighter light that no candle can even compete with.

"Devin! Devin sweetly it's ok! Stop it!" Yelled Saki, trying to calm down the crying and screaming Devin.

"Shadows! Shadows everywhere!" Cried Devin, "get them away! Please!" The lights grew brighter. Adrian got up in a panic and rushed over to help calm him down. Yelling started outside.

"Light making scums!" Yelled someone from outside the house, a loud banging came from the door. Vince ran into the master bedroom and shifted through drawers. Saki started to cry as a man came busting into the house, yelling and cries of outrage came from the living room. Adrian looked at the door to see Vince running down the hall, gun in hand, just before Saki had closed and locked it.

"Devin, Devin hunny you need to calm down," whispers Saki, hugging Devin tightly. Adrian pushed a shelf in front of the door. Saki quickly turned to look at Adrian, tears poured down her face as gunshots went off somewhere in the house. Screams, yells, more gunshots, and sobs carried on for a few more minutes before the gunshots had gone quiet. Vince yelled from down the hall just as men started to slam against the rooms door. The shelf was slowly shoved out of the way, Saki rushed to window and ripped the curtains downs.

"Adrian take Devin!" She yelled at him, pressing Devin into Adrian's arms. Both of them were crying, more yells came from Vince and another gunshot went off.

"What about you!" Adrian yelled, Saki grabbed a gun from the closet and walked to the door.

"Don't be stupid," yelled Adrian, "we could save you, too! We are wasting time! This isn't a time to be heroic!" Saki turned to look at him then quickly rushed over. A cloud of dust covered the room just as the door finally gave way, men filed into the room quickly. Saki fired shots just as a giant bird crashed out of the room with Devin and Saki on its back. Adrian flew as fast as he could to the opening of the cave. More shadows raced with them to it, grabbing at either Adrian's wings, Devin's arms, or Sakis head.

"Mom!" Cried Devin as a shadowy hand closed his arm, Saki screamed and held Devin down. Adrian flew a few feet lower. Light flashed across Adrian's face just as they exited the cave. Devin screamed, Adrian looked over his shoulder to see a large hook lodged between Saki's shoulder and chest. Saki looked down at the hook then at Devin and Adrian, tears swelling in her eyes.

Blood spat from Sakis mouth as a yelling came from the distance, "we got one!" Adrian and Devin watched in horror as Saki was yanked back by a chain connected to the hook.

"No!" Screamed Devin and grabbed for his mothers arm, "mom! Please! Come back!" Sakis body fell farther and farther, everything seemed to slow down as Adrian watched Devin and Saki. Her limp and cold body falling just out of Devin's reach.

Devin turned around and wrapped his arms around Adrian, tears fell against the feathers, "we have to go back for her!"

A thud sounded somewhere below them as Sakis body hit the ground, Devin stared at him while Adrian continued to fly as fast as he could away from the cave, "Please Adrian!" He yelled while tears fell, "we need her!"

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