On the Run

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It's as if the hours didn't seem to pass, the moon rose up and the sunset. Adrain had been flying for he doesn't even know how long, the screams still echoed in his head. Devin had fallen asleep a while ago, his head against Adrian's neck. His wings grew tired slowly, he eased into a field below.
The soft ground sank under his feet, a white bright shined then faded, revealing Adrian carrying Devin in a piggy back ride position.

Devin yawned and looked around, "where are we?"

"We're in uh— theeee... forest."

Devin looked at Adrian, "well I knew that, but how far are we from the facility?"

"About twelve miles.."

"Only twelve!?" Yelled Devin, "with a whole community most likely on our tail you decide to land us TWELVE MILES AWAY?"

"You're heavy and I was tired," said Adrian, glaring down at Devin, "if you have any better options by all means, tell me them."

This made Devin go quiet, he jumbled his thoughts before speaking again, "well.. where were you going exactly?" Adrian looked around, the leaves blew in the breeze and the light of the moon shined on a puddle near his foot. He looked towards a silhouette of a castle in the far distance, he pointed at it, looking down at Devin.

"There?? Is this a suicide mission? You know we will be killed if they find out we aren't human," yelled Devin.

Adrian nodded, "it's worth a shot, but do you think any one else would dare go there? At risk of being killed if they show a sign of power?"

"Well wouldn't we just— they, wouldn't they just use their powers to escape? Like we did?"

"Well— uh.. yea, but it's the safest place I know, plus, I know someone there."

"Do they know about your powers," said Devin, looking up at Adrian.

"Well..." said Adrian.

"Well what!? They don't?? How can we trust this person," said Devin.

"She does know about my power, not yours... but she's nice, she knew my mother."

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