The Girl, the Boy, and the Prodigy

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A small leaf blew down the dirt road, footsteps echoed in the night.

"So where does this person live," asked Devin.

"Just over the hill," said Adrian, focusing on the dim light in the distance. They walked on into the night, silence crept and shadows dodged into alleyways as the flame on the candles danced. Only the sound of the wind and their footsteps disturbed the silence. They arrived at a house soon after, the windows had been boarded shut and the wall was layered with a thick moss. Adrian knocked on the door.

"Hello," said Adrian, staring at the door, "it's me, Adrian, Maria's son."
The door didn't budge until it slowly creaked open, leaving a small girl standing in the doorway.

"Adrian!" She squealed and flung herself at him, Devin jumped back.

"Hey, June!" He said in an excited tone, wrapping his arms around her tightly, "where's Marry?"

"She— you didn't hear," Said June, staring up at Adrian.

"Why? What happened to her?? Marry!" Yelled Adrian, moving past June and barging into the room. Adrian ran down the hall, leaving June and Devin still standing in the doorway.

June turned to Devin, "and who are you?"

"I'm Devin."


"Of what?"

"What faction??"

"Oh— I'm from.. uh— Dedix."

"A Dedix!" Screamed June, jumping back and running down the hall after Adrian, "Adrian why did you bring a Dedix!!"

Adrian reappeared in the hall with June behind him, "he's a friend, June. Devin, this is Juniffer Blue, a playne. June, this is Devin Barker, a Dedix," he said, extending a hand from Devin to June.

"Why is he here," said June, gripping on to Adrian's leg.

"He has a power--"

"Well isn't that normal with y'all," said June, glaring at Devin.

"Yes.. and a Dedix only has the power to control shadows, but Devin has the power to control both light and shadows," said Adrian, patting June's head. June stared at Devin as Adrian moved over to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"His family took me in after the Dedix raided the Napis facility."

"But.. why is he here," asked June, Adrian stared at Devin then at her.

"His parents were killed after the Dedix found out he can also manipulate light... and... you never told me about Marry."

"Adrain, she passed on," said June, reaching for Adrian's arm, "her funeral was three days ago... I'm sorry." Adrian stared at June, gripping Devin's shoulder so hard that he flinched away.


"The baker down the road found her under the bridge, she was already gone. Murdered... we still don't know by who, the castle has bigger problems to deal with, so they didn't do anything."

"They didn't do anything," yelled Adrian, "she was the best person I ever knew! She even helped their knights, and they did nothing!?"

"Adrian calm down," said Devin, grabbing Adrian's hand. June seized Adrian's arm.

"The Knights she helped attended the funeral, Adrian please calm down. There was really nothing they could do! She was already gone by the time they found her!"

Adrian glared down at her, June backed up with her eyes wide, "was that supposed to make me feel better, June?!"

"Adrian calm down! Please," yelled June, tearing up, "this won't help anything!" Devin grabbed hold of June's arm and puller her away as Adrian quickly turned to face a wall, pulled his fist back, and punched deep into the wood. Small splinters of wood flew from the wall. Dust piled out of the wall and some fell from the ceiling.

"I'm sorry," said Adrian, pulling his fist out of the wall and turning around to face June and Devin, "I... I don't know what came over me..."

"Promise you won't do that again, Adrian, you scared us," said June, holding Devin's arm tightly.


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