Chapter 18

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Niall’s POV

A cry left my body as I raced forward catching Matt in my arms. I immediately brought her to my chest ignoring the others.

“I’ve got you little one,” I whispered to her my heart contracting in my chest. “No one will ever hurt you again.”

“Is she ok?” Ris said tears slipping down her cheeks. “Niall answer us!”

“She fainted,” Simon said frowning.

“Tom is Tyler’s twin? Shit! What do we do Si?” Lou asked worried.

“How did we not know this?” Liam frowned holding Ris to his chest. “Damn Si what are we going to do?”

“We need to tell the police!” Harry said sternly.

“The police?” Lan snorted. “These are gangs Hazza, the police are too afraid of them, were on our own.”

“There’s got to be something!” Em yelled furiously. “I refuse to lose my best friend again.”

I sat on the floor, brining Matt to my chest gently rocking her back and forth. The others were too busy yelling at me to notice the tears falling down my face as I peppered her faces with kissed. They failed to notice my shaking hands or the way I clung Matt to me as if she would disappear.

“I love you,” I whispered hoarsely. “I hated myself for what I did, I didn’t want to but he threatened you, he threatened to take you away from me. I would never get to hear your sassy tone, or have you cuddle up to me again, I would never see you smile at me, to hear you laugh or sing. And now when I thought I could have you, to love and cherish you, they plan to take you away again I promise Liberty that as long as I am breathing you will never be put in harm’s way.”



“Is he ok?”

“I think he’s in shock, I mean I just told him Tyler is Tom’s brother.”

“How do we snap him out of it?”

“He needs Matt to do that, she’s the only one who can.”

“Well she’s unconscious! Well that hell do we do Si? This is getting worse and worse!”

“I don’t know Zayn, I’m only your manager! I’m not meant to be protecting girls from gangs!”

“Guys don’t fight please don’t.”

“Well Nialler proposed do you think that will help make them back off?”

“He proposed? When?”

“Last night, she said yes of course.”

“It might, she will be known as soon-to-be-Mrs-Horan that will make her world known, but they still might try something. We need to figure out of way for them to get caught and tried.”

I could hear them talking, but their words weren’t making any sense, my tears clouded my vision as I held my Princess closer to me. All my fault. This was all my fault.

“Niall?” A voice whispered before a hand touched my shoulder, my eyes snapped up looking into familiar eyes

A sob broke free of me. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

“Baby,” Matt said blinking before concern crossed her features, she moved so she sat in my lap facing me before brining my head to the crook of her neck.

“I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.”

Silence fell over the room, the only sound was my sobs as I cried into Matt’s shoulder. A few minutes later when my cries got softer Matt kissed my cheek.

“No it isn’t. Tom is sick, he caused all of this then got his brother to help. It isn’t your fault Niall.”

I stiffened and held her tighter. “I should have stood up to him, then this mess would never have happened.”

“This happened for a reason Niall,” she sighed running her hands through my hair. “Everything happens for a reason, it was meant to happen.”

“No!” I growled frustrated. “We weren’t meant to be childhood sweethearts! We were meant to be together, your scars shouldn’t exist, and you moving to England shouldn’t have existed! We should be so in love right now nobody else exists,” my voice got quieter at the end. “You should be my Wife by now.”

Her body started to shake as quite tears left her. “Everything happens for a reason, sometimes they don’t make sense, and sometimes they are cruel and unfair but they have their purposes. I know you Niall, if I hadn’t left you would have left One Direction, you wouldn’t be who you are now and neither would I. I don’t regret what happened Niall because in the end I still got you,” her voice cracked.

“I don’t know what do,” my voice broke as my throat tightened.

“Neither do I,” she muttered into my t-shirt. “But we will figure it out.”

“Never leave me,” I sniffed pulling back slightly to look at her face.

Her hair was dishevelled, her eyes were wide and sad, her cheeks red and tear stained. Her lips were parted slightly as she held back her tears. My heart felt like it was being ripped into millions of pieces. Hear I was complaining when all of this was happening to her, my princess.

“Never,” she relied kissing me and my eyes fluttered shut at the shocks.

“I love you Liberty Mathilda Stonewell.”

“And I love you Niall James Horan,” she relied softly kissing me once more. “Now let’s go show the bad guys not to mess with us.”


Matt’s POV

My heart was breaking, I knew what I had to do. But it would kill Niall, my Niall. He would break if I did this, but it was the only way to let him live, to never have to look over his shoulder, to be free.

“Baby?” Niall mumbled sleepily.

“Yeah?” I whispered running my hands lightly through his soft hair.

It was close to midnight, we had discussed all sorts of ideas and each one seemed worse than the last. We all knew it was hopeless, but Niall refused to give up. Now his head was in my lap as the film came to the credits, we sat in the bedroom our thoughts consuming us.

“I’ll protect you,” he vowed yawning. “I promise you, they won’t get you.”

“I know,” I said willing myself not to cry.

“Love you,” he sighed before snores left him.

“Love you too,” I choked out kissing his head.

Forgive me Niall.

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