Chapter 4

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I fell in love with you.


You’re laugh, smile, eyes.

The way you curl up when you’re sleeping.

How you love talking to me.

The little kisses you place all over.

I fell in love with you.


Because you’re you.


Matt’s POV

*Three weeks later*

*Flashback (Every time she dreams she will have flashback)*

“Niall, Lan!” I launched into their arms and they stared at me in shock. I twirled for them then blushed when they were still staring t me in shock.

It was prom night, I was fourteen and Niall was sixteen. Lan didn’t want to go to prom and Niall went to an all boys school.

I was in a dark blue dress that was strapless and flowed out at my waist. My hair was curled but pinned up, I was wearing converse against my Mom’s wishes.

“Sis you look beautiful!” Lan said and hugged me. I smiled into his shoulder. I thought he would criticise it like he normally does then he would end up hitting me saying getting changed. Maybe he was changing.

I pulled away and looked to Niall. He gave me a small smile and brought me into a hug. “You look stunning small one.” He whisphered in my ear sending small shivers down my spine.

I pulled away again and smiled at them too. “Sweetie Tom is here.” My Mom came out of the kitchen with my Dad’s arm wrapped around her waist.

“Tom?” Niall asked with a frown.

“Yes Tom asked Liberty to Prom.” Dad said the exact same frown on his face.

“Well bye guys!” I gave them all one left hug before heading to the front door I opened it and saw Tom standing there. “Hey Tom!”

He smiled at me and then saw Niall and Landon behind me, he stiffened and I nearly groaned. Over protective fools.

“Hey Tom.” Niall said leaning against the door frame.

“Hello Tom.” Lan said and leant on the opposite side of the door frame.

“H-Hey guys.” Tom said and shuffled nervously on his feet.

“Well bye guys!” I said and was two steps away when I was pulled back into a pair of arms.

“What about a goodbye kiss small one?” I froze. Niall just said that. What the hell?

I spun around and took a step back surprise clearly written on my face. Tom stood behind me, and Landon had left and closed the door.

“Excuse me?”

Niall pouted at me and pulled me into his arms once more. Don’t let him kiss you Libby! He will steal you first kiss and that was supposed to be Tom!

“I asked where’s my goodbye kiss small one?”

I just looked at him in shock. “You’re not getting one.” I tried to move away but he held on.

“Well then guess I’ll have to steal it.” He whisphered to me then he pressed his lips to mine. I froze. Then I melted, I kissed him back then pulled away.

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