Chapter 20

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Matt’s POV

If you asked me two weeks ago if I would give up my life for Niall I would just have laughed in your face. If you told me two weeks ago I would be walking to my death to save the people who tortured me I would have punched you.

How times have changed.

Now I was incompletely in love.

Niall James Horan.

Even his name makes my heart skip a beat, my heart ached at the thought of never seeing his cheeky grin, of never hearing his voice, to never feel his lips upon mine. He owned my heart, it no longer belonged to me and only the beating shell of my heart was left.

To never be in his arms again left me as an empty shell, to know we wouldn’t grow old together made my heart slow, to never know what our life would be like destroyed me.

My eyes were wide with fear as I stood in front of a broken warehouse. My head spun as I slowly made my way towards it. My breath caught in my throat as I saw a group of figures.

“Finally joined us?” Tom sneered. “Took you long enough.”

Tears threatened to spill but I held strong. “What do you want?”

“Isn’t it obvious babe?” Ty grinned.

“I don’t get it ok!” I snapped. “I don’t get why you caused all this to happen! You caused me to be tortured by my best friends for years! Then when I’m happy, when I’m finally happy you do this?” My voice cracked. “What did I do to deserve this?”

Tom waved his hand and the other men walked off leaving the three off us. “You always pick him.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t get it,” Ty yelled. “You always pick your precious Niall!”

I blinked and stepped back. “That’s because I love him.”

“No,” Tom growled jumping forward and pushing me towards Ty. “You belong to Tyler.”

“W-W-W-What?” I stuttered.

“You belong to me,” Ty whispered in my ear nipping my ear lobe causing disgust to run through me.

“T-T-Tom? I thought you were the one after me?” I said confused.

“No,” he grinned. “Ty picked you out, but he was too God damn shy so I did all the wooing then I was going to pass you to him.”

“So, I’m like a toy?” I yelled. “What the hell, ever heard of asking a girl out!”

“Doesn’t matter your mine now,” Ty chuckled.

“Get off me!” I yelled trying to push away. “I thought you were my best friend!”

Ty huffed. “I am, but I’m going to be your Husband.”

I paled. “No!” I screamed. “Niall is the only man I’ll ever marry!”

“Shut the hell up,” Tom snapped.

“Ty please don’t do this!” I pleaded pushing at his arms. “Please!”

“Shut up!” He growled letting me go, then his hand flew towards my face.

A gasp left me as I fell to the floor. “Nice hit.”

Hands yanked of my hair making me cry out. “Listen. You. Are. Mine. Niall f*cking Horan will never be mentioned again, you love me and only me!”

“Never,” I cried. “I love Niall.”

“You love me!” He roared kicking me in the ribs.

I sobbed curling into a ball. “I love Niall James Horan.”

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