chapter 8

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Hiii ppl... its been long but now I'm on along weekend so I decided to write the next chapter, even though I've got EGD (engineering graphics and designing) homework, a maths assignment and a 350 word essay on Romeo and Juliet, I like writing just not  about Romeo and was a good book though I played lady Capulet...anyways there going to be a huge twist in the story starting in this chapter, so enjoy!!! :-)

Brads p.o.v

We couldn't even right because he 'friends' were coming our way! "Hii!! " everyone screamed I felt so endangered. She started introducing me to everyone "guys this is Brad , Brad Parker..." she was cut off by a boy "Parker as in thee Parkers" "yes I said " then he looked at me in awe... Steff clicked her fingers then he shook my hand.

Steffs feiends are cool and thet Matt guy (the one who looked in awe) is just like me only I am better looking and I'm more rich...just saying, but its true.

The bell rang and it was time for class I looked around for Steff the I noticed her looking at thoa boy and he was smirking like it was going out of fashion. I know what thay smirk means because I'm also a guy and I smirk all the time.
Wait is that .... Jakey Chan, the biggest loser of my previous school. We use to call him Jakey Chan because his name was Jacob and he was a loser ...and no I DON'T think Jakie Chan is a loser. Wait if that's Jacob Baxter then I've got problems.

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