Ch.26: Final

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A/N: I have updated both this final chapter and epilogue.

Chapter 26: Final

It was just her and her baby now, travelling alone in the world. There was loneliness, but there was also content, closure, and happiness as well.

Emiko softly smiled, looking up at the clear sky. It was a perfectly beautiful day, and she had arrived at her destination. The light breeze fluttered her hair and Yuri sneezed from the tickling in her nose caused by the wind.

"Bless you," Emiko giggled and gave a quick kiss to her baby on the cheek. Looking ahead, she sighed with satisfaction, realizing that she had arrived safe and sound. "We made it, Yuri, we made it."

The tumbleweeds rolled along the abandoned streets of the city. There was not a single person in sight, for who would live in a city that was left behind? Emiko only knew one.

"Is that you Emiko, nya?"

Pausing and looking down, the girl couldn't help but grin. She crouched and lightly scratched the cat behind his ear. "You've grown so much Denka! Where's Hina?"

Denka gave a Cheshire grin, his whiskers twitching, "She's with Nekobaa. And who's that?" He hopped onto her shoulder and peered at the blanket. Emiko pulled at the blanket lightly and Denka couldn't help but meow in surprise. "Is that your kitten, nya? She looks just like Master Itachi."

Emiko nodded fondly, "Yeah, she does." And the two entered the underground hideout, following the dark passages until they came upon the largest room. Entering, the Hatake girl bowed lowly. "It's so nice to meet you again, Nekobaa."

"Emiko child," Her rather rasped voice acknowledged her with surprise, "Whatever are you doing here?"

"This is the safest place I know to keep Yuri safe; I hope you do not mind."

"Yuri, eh?"

The elderly smoked on her pipe but nonetheless held the small baby in her arms. Humming loudly, she nodded, "She's an Uchiha, alright. I understand."

Emiko thanked her endlessly before petting the various cats that were surrounding her. She loved dogs, especially her brother's ninken, but cats were also too cuddly. Especially when they look at her with those enlarged eyes. "Oh! Emiko-sama!"

"Tamaki-chan!" Emiko gasped, "You've gotten so big!" She ruffled the girl's hair, remembering her when she was just a little toddler and Nekobaa had taken her in. About Sasuke's age, she remembered when her and Itachi had brought him here to play with her and all the cats.

Tamaki giggled but noticed Yuri and her eyes sparkled with awe, "She's so cute!" she squealed, beginning to play with the baby. Emiko smiled and watched the two interact, but couldn't help but sadly sigh when she noticed the pictures on the wall.

There were many of Itachi's, Sasuke's, even hers with the two of them. There was also a framed photo of her, Itachi, and Shisui when they had first brought her to this Uchiha hideout. "They sure bring back memories don't they?" Nekobaa asked with a small smile.

Emiko hummed, "Yes; Nekobaa you must have heard about the war?"

"Of course. I've been with the Uchiha for generations and I never thought the clan head of hundreds of years ago would start such a battle." The elder lady looked at the young girl from the corner of her eyes. She smoked on her pipe when a thought hit her. "You want to go on the battlefield, don't you?"

The girl turned to her in surprise, "How'd you know?"

"I've known you since you were little; don't insult my intelligence. I can see that look in your eyes."

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