The Pick

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Please bear with me on the surfing scenes. I do not surf. Sorry!! :) Enjoy! also this is in the Watty Awards 2012; Vote and Comment please!!! TRAILER OFF TO THE RIGHT>>>>>>>>>>>> CHECK IT OUT!! (made by me)


It was a gorgeous day in sunny, beautiful, gorgeous Virginia. And my two idiotic friends were side by side to me laughing their heads off as I just roll my eyes... A lot...

I'm 16 and I live in Virginia Beach, which almost always has gorgeous weather. Oh! Where are my "manners" that my mother believes will show up soon?! (as if!) My name is Olivia Montgomery, and I have a pretty messed up life. You know this when your closest friends are two idiotic boys... Make that buffoons.

My life is pretty much chaos itself. With my parents going through the divorce and my little sister always crushing on a new boy every day (the exact thing that I don't do), life can get a little hectic. 

My two dorks of friends were laughing because they were betting who the first person to wipeout was. Of course they guessed the girl with the glasses and one-piece, so I bet that she would be the last one standing. You'll never guess who was right.


They're still laughing at this guy's wipeout. His name was Matthew I think. I felt bad for the guy, I mean he was the first one to wipeout and it was horrible! It was like an above water double backflip! 

Totally sick.

Jake, or Idioit One, as I like to call him said, "He Liv you should go show off your mad skills!"

"Dude totally!" Agreed Braydon. Idiot Two.

I sighed. They'll never give up.

"Fine I'll go out, but you have to come too!"

They both groaned but got up. I smiled triumphantly. Job well done here, I see.

We went and entered our names in the mini contest and lined up. I of course was using my neon pink and green board. It was my absolute favorite, and I knew it would work well in today's waves. They looked a little brutal out far. I'd have to try and catch some big waves. Maybe get a 7 or an 8.

They blew the horn and we were off. 

Of course, the water was dead still but- There! Wave forming and, NO! Bray already got it!

Okay it was only a six.

I scanned the clear Pacific Ocean and noticed some movement far out. I would have to move fast but i could make it.

I paddled for my life and stood up just in time, turning a couple times and swerving, whip there-- yes!

Jake wiped out, and oh god no! He got caught in a rip tide. He kept tumbling and no one saw it but Bray and I. He came up and flashed a peace sign to me. I just rolled my eyes.

All of the surfers were gathered together, the water was dead still and there was only a minute left on the clock. I had a score of 6.5. Not good, not good, so not good!

Out a few yards I saw a ripple, and started paddling.

30 seconds to go.

There it was my big wave and BOOM! Whip, swerve, curl, and.... Tube! Yes I got tubage! This wave was ridiculous, I mean totally huge! And I could hear Jake shouting, "SHOW OFF!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes, I kept standing for about 10 more seconds before the horn went off again.


I won, I actually won!

I ran up to the sand and dropped my board. Braydon wrapped me in his arms then gave me a nuggie sandwich, then Jake and I did our awesome secret handshake that I can't tell you about because it's so top secret that no one even knows about it.

Miley Beck, the "Queen B" (more like drama queen), stalked up to me, her hair still wet. "That was a lucky run Montgomery" she spat at me.

"Oh really because I mean didn't you get a 6? Even Jake did better than you." I replied with a smirk.

She scoffed.

"Yeah, wait.. Hey!" Oh, Jake... Jake. Jake. Jake.

Then she walked away her hair bouncing behind her back.

Braydon pretended to flip his hair and walk away, acting like Miley. 

My lips were quivering trying to hold the laugh in, as were Jake's, until we both finally exploded with laughter and we were soon joined in by Bray.

Gee, you never would've guessed we were best friends... Now, would ya? 

-Author's Note

      Hey guys! Okay so this is a new book I've come up with and I like it so I think I'll actually try and finish this one. ;P  Yes, yes, that means I'm not finishing 'Endings are Beginnings' because it just got so boring to me. So I hope you like this, and please, please, please, please, please, Vote and Comment! I won't EVER upload again if by the 10th chapter I don't have at least one vote or comment by the tenth chapter in this book. K, thanks! :) VIDEO: We Do It Primo - Colette Carr. This video so makes me think of this story!! :D lol


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