Chapter seven

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Dude on the right hand side is Ben.  Also, I put a picture of Krista on the previous chapter (chapter six) cause I apparently cant upload two pictures at the same time, and I dont feel like waiting till chapter 8 soo yea.

Friggen enjoy.

            I leaned against the closed door, suddenly exhausted. I know I shouldn't have been rude to Jake, but right now, I didn't want to acknowledge something that connected me to my dead parents, to something that got them dead. Not to mention they were dead because of me.

            "Boo!" Somebody said behind me, and I jumped, stifling a scream. I turned around and it was Ben, again.

            "You should really stop that, I'm going to end up hitting you one of these times." I warned, locking the door. Ben just kept laughing. I headed past him, rubbing my eyes. Ben stopped laughing and grabbed my arm gently.

            "Are you okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned. I sighed.

            "I'm okay, I'm not great." I said. We started walking upstairs.

            "Well, if you want to talk about it, I'm here." I nodded, about to head into my room.

            "Actually," I said, stopping, "I do want to talk about it."  Ben nodded, and we headed to his room.

            Ben's room was themed green, but it was a dark, frog kind of green instead of the bright neon green. He had covered up his walls completely with posters, pictures of his friends, paintings, anything he could find. He hated seeing white walls.

            We sat down on his bed, and I took a deep breath. I could feel the tears building up behind my closed eyes.  Ben waited patiently for me to say something. After a minute I took another deep breath.    

            "It's just kind of a shock, you know? I mean, my parents died, and that was terrible. But then, things start to become normal again, and I become happy. I meet this boy, and he's sweet, he protects me and makes me feel safe, and happy." I paused. "But then I find out that my parents were murdered, because somebody was trying to kill me, and everything that made me happy is ripped from my grasp. And to top it off, I find out I'm part of some stupid tribe that expects me to fight in their stupid war?" I could feel the hot tears spilling over, and I started to sob.

            Ben just held me as I cried into his shoulder, making shhh sounds, but I think he was smart enough to not say the clichéd, "everything is going to alright, you don't need to worry," because we both knew that things would NOT be alright.

            "You know, you shouldn't take it out on Jake." Ben said.

            "Oh sure, side with him." I said, wiping tears off my face.

            "I'm just saying, he's only trying to help. I mean, you had to find out somehow."

            "But what makes you think I would want to hear it from him? And it's even weirder that he knows everything about it. Yea, he's a 'watcher' person and was trained, but still..." I said, trailing off.

            "But he's just trying to protect you. The only reason he told you is 'cause he thought you knew." The more Ben said, the less mad I was becoming.

            "Why would he think I already knew?" I asked.

            "Because you were supposed to have been told." My head snapped up as Ben said this.

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