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maya's pov

it's been two weeks since i have found out that i'm pregnant. lucas and i told his parents about a week ago. things went good with them. but his family wants us to get married. we both said we aren't ready for that, but they still want us to get married. we don't even know if we're going to keep it or not.

"lucas, we have to make a decision on this now. our first appointment is tomorrow." i said sitting down at our usual seats at topanga's.

"okay, fine." he said moving his body so he was now facing me.

"so abortion is out of the picture." i said turning to face him as well.

"and you know i'm against adoption." he said to me.

"so you'll kill an innocent living creature, but you're against giving it to a family that will love and protect it." i replied.

"you never know with adoptions! they could be secret pedophiles or something like that!" he shouted.

"or they could be great parents and raise them well." i shouted back.

"we can be great parents! we can raise them well!" he spoke loudly.

i just stared at him. he was the one who wanted to get rid of it in the first place, why does he care so much now?

"lucas, you're the one that wanted to get rid of it." i say to him.

"yeah, but then i started thinking and i think we should keep it. yes it'll be hard, yes we're barely even adults, but i think we can do it." he replied.

"well it's settled then, we're keeping it." i said to him.

he looked at me and smiled.



next chapter when 7 & 8 hits 100 reads and 5 votes!

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