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Maya's POV

i open my eyes and see lucas laying next to me. he stayed over my house since we have a doctors appointment today. my mom called the for an appointment right after i told her. i get out the bed to take a shower and wash my hair.

i throw on a random shirt and some jeans and walk over to my bed to a sleeping lucas.

"lucas honey, wake up" i say as i shake him gently.

"five more minutes." he says still half sleep.

"no, we have to go to the doctor today, remember?" i say still shaking him.

"ugh." he groans as he gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom and enters the shower.

while lucas was showering i put on my makeup and brushed my teeth. afterwards i went to the kitchen to make lucas and i some breakfast, aka pouring two bowls of cereal.

when lucas was done getting ready he came to the kitchen and we ate together before leaving to to the OBGYN.


"hello i'm dr. schmidt, you must be ms. hart." the doctor said as she walked into the room.

"hello dr. schmidt." i said to her while i was sitting on the hospital bed thingy wearing a paper like robe.

"and you must be the father?" said the doctor to lucas.

"yes, i am the father." he replied.

"okay let's get started." she said as she sat on her chair next to her computer and the ultrasound machine. "now this might be a little cold." she said as she squirted a gel like substance on my stomach.

i jumped a little at the initial shock but after that i had gotten used to the feeling. after she squirted the gel on my stomach she grabbed this remote type thing and rubbed it on my stomach.

"okay, that's your heartbeat." she said focused on what she was doing. "and that's your baby's heartbeat."

as i heard the little pounding of my baby's heart i couldn't help but feel this feeling of love i've never felt before. it's indescribable.

i looked over to lucas and i can tell he was feeling it too. it's just something strange about hearing something you made, something that's a part of you.

"would you like to see it?" the doctor asked.

i nodded and she pressed and button that showed a picture. it was black and kind of foggy.

"see that little thing right there?" she said. "that's your baby" she said with a smile.

i was in awe.

that was my baby, that's what's growing inside of me now. i cannot believe it.

the doctor did somethings on her machines and then turned them off and cleaned the gel off my stomach.

"is there anything else you wanted to talk about?" she said.

"well i haven't been having much morning sickness, is that a problem?" i asked.

"no, it's completely normal. some people have bad morning sickness while others have a minor case of it." she said reassuringly.

"when can you have sex again?" lucas said randomly.

i stared at him and the doctor laughed. "you can have sex whenever the mother is comfortable with it, you will not damage the fetus at all." she replied.

"here's your prescription for parental vitamins, and here's the picture of the ultrasound" she said handing me to pieces of paper.

"i'll see you next month." she said leaving the room so i can get dressed and leave

"really lucas? you asked her when we can have sex again?"

"hey, i just wanted to know." he said shrugging. i rolled my eyes and continued getting dressed.
AN: SORRY bout the wait my life just sucks and it takes a lot to get motivated and shit
also sorry that this is kinda rushed and bad it's 1am rn and idk man also i'm sorry this doesn't have a nice little gif like the other parts i'm doin this on my phone ok

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