Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 is here! Yay! I hope you like it ^^




A couple of weeks have passed already and the news about Lovelyz and BTS working together is out already. I scrolled through the comments of one article. 

"Omo, banglyz is sailing. Banglyz rise!" I muttered to myself reading the comments. So they actually like this huh? I guess it's fine then.

"Are you guys ready yet?" Rap Monster hyung asked us. I forgot that today we're finally going to meet with Lovelyz. We've never really known each other and we've only worked on little events together. We even barely talked to each other on those events. 

"Yeah, we're ready." I said standing up to go out.

- timeskip - 

We finally arrived in our destination. From afar we already saw a group of girls standing and talking. I'm guessing they're Lovelyz. We walked towards they're direction and they immediately bowed and greeted us.

"Annyeonhaseyo, sunbaenim. Lovelyz-imnida." They greeted and introduced themselves. 

"Ah yes, annyeonghaseyo, BTS-imnida." We greeted in return.

"Ok good. The two groups are here." I heard someone say. I think it's their manager.

"For today just try to know each other and get along well, ok? We're gonna leave you alone now." Our manager said. I can already see the awkward expressions of my members. Lovelyz on the other are still smiling.

"Ah, let's introduce each other one by one first." One of their members said. Well atleast that broke the already forming awkward atmosphere.

"Ok, i guess I'll start. I'm Kim Namjoon but you can call me Rap Monster and I'm the leader of BTS." Hyung introduced shortly.

"My name's Min Yoongi but you can also call me Suga. Nice to meet you." Suga hyung intorduced even shorter. I guess we're also going by age. 

After introducing ourselves, Lovelyz started introducing themselves too.

"Ok, I'm Lee Soojung but my stage name is Baby Soul so you can call me that. I'm the leader of Lovelyz, nice to meet you." The girl who spoke a while ago, which is now called Baby Soul introduced herself. 

After a some minutes, Lovelyz has also finished their introduction. Now we don't know what to do. Another awkward silence is threatening to form until Jin hyung, who apparently has the same name is Lovelyz's Jin, asked something.

"Oh, uh is it fine to tell our years? You know so we can drop the honorifics." Hyung asked cautiously. 

"Oh, yes of course." Sujeong agreed. I almost forgot that we've worked together before.

"I'm a '92 liner"

"I'm a '93 liner"

"We're both '94 liners"

"I'm a '95 liner."

"I'm a '95 liner."

"I'm a '96 liner."

"I'm a'97 liner."

"I'm a '98 liner."

They finished. I didn't know Sujeong was  a 97z. It was our turn and after that both groups found out that our age range was almost similar. 

"Oh you guys finished talking? That's good." One of our managers said as they returned from wherever they came from. I have a feeling they were watching us.

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