Chapter 6

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A/N Sorry for not posting anything yesterday, I was too excited for Lovelyz comeback I wasn't able to think properly>v< I love their MV!! If you haven't watched it yet, please do so ><

Anyway, chapter 6 is here~~


Baby Soul's POV

"Girls! There's a letter for us here. Wake up so we can read it." I called out for my members when I saw a letter addressed to us. It's pretty early for a letter to come, I mean it's just 6:00 am of course this alarmed me.

"Hmm? What is it unnie?" They asked as they all went nearer to see the letter.

"I dunno, let's see."

"You might notice that one member is missing.." What?

"*gasp* Jisoo-unnie! She's not here." Yein shouted. Wait, Jisoo's not here?

"Yah Jisoo-ah!" Mijoo shouted just in case Jisoo answers, but nothing.

"Wait, let's read the letter. It seems to know something." I said trying to calm them down.

"Jisoo was taken by us and you have to find her in order to retrieve her. You will work with BTS to make things faster. You don't have all day so better hurry up. Here's more information:" Are they seriously doing this? 

Jisoo's POV

- Meanwhile, in Jisoo's part -

The night before, the staff asked me if I can be the dummy that both Lovelyz and BTS will have to find. 


"Huh? Why? I wanna join the fun." I told them because I don't want to be excluded from all the fun things.

"Aww well that sucks, I guess all the food and desserts that we have reserved will just go to waste then." Wait, food? Hm...

"Oh, pssh of course I will go. Who told you I won't go?" I immediately agree, suddenly food seems greater than my unnies and dongsaengs. Sorry guys >v<

~end of flashback~

"I'm really sorry guys, but try your best to find me! I'm waiting for you." I said to the camera while eating the beef they served me. (A/N Lovelyz and BTS  don't know the real situation of Jisoo)

Third Person's POV

"So you know what happened right?" The staffs said to both groups.

"Yes, can we now know what we have to do." Baby Soul asked almost impatiently, worried for her lost dongsaeng.

"Be patient. We will give the details you have to do."

"First of all, you will be doing a series of mini activities that will give you different hints to know the location of Jisoo." The person speaking paused for a while, looking at the members to see if they were actually listening.

"Each of you will be in pairs and you will be assigned to a post. At the post, there will be a staff who will tell you what you have to do and there'll be time limit of course. After you've successfully finished the mission, the staff will give you an envelope which you will not open yet as it is the clue. But other than that, whether you complete the mission or not, the staff will tell you where the next location is through a riddle and you have to answer it correctly or you will get lost. By the way, if you don't complete the mission you don't get a clue." The staff explained while the two groups try to process everything first.

Rap Monster's POV

"Ok so basically, there'll be a staff in the post that we are assigned to and then the staff will give us the mini activity that we have to complete within the time limit. After when we successfully complete the activity we will receive a clue to where Jisoo but if we don't then we don't get a hint at all? And after that, the staff will give a riddle that we have to answer to know where the next post is?" I immediately thought out after analyzing everything they said.

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