Chapter 9

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If you have questions for the characters, please ask them in the Q and A chapter so I won't get confused. Kamsamnida~

I realized I liked writing in Third Person's POV so I think, I'll do more of that from now on ^^

I hope you like this chapter


Third Person's POV

"Wah~ This house is really nice." The members of the groups said when they walked inside the house they were supposed to live in for three days.

"How many rooms are there?" Rap Monster asked the staff while going upstairs. Yes, the house has two floors keep in mind that the first floor is already so wide, having a separate kitchen and dining area even.

"There are 6 bedrooms, of course you have your roommates." They replied.


"Ah unnie, it says here we're roommates." Myungeun said to Kei, who is apparently her roommate.

"Oh yeah, yay!" Kei responded bouncing up and down while hugging Jin.


"Who am I roommates with?" Baby Soul muttered to herself while roaming around the house. 

"Ah!...ehh? Why them?" She whined slightly after finding her room and her roommates as well. Turns out she'll be with Mijoo and Jisoo. "God those two are crazy, really." She continued.


"Yoongi-hyung! Guess whose your roommate." Jimin said approaching Suga who was already laying down on the kitchen.

Suga sighed and rolled his eyes. Who wouldn't know who their roommate is after that obvious queston? "It's you right?" He answered boredly.

"Yup!" Jimin said nodding happily and running back to his room.


(A/N ok so the roommates for Lovelyz are: Baby Soul-Mijoo-Jisoo, Yein-Sujeong-Jiae, and Kei-Jin. For BTS: Namjin + Jhope, YoonMin, and Vkook....yes, cus I ship them too)

"Guys!" Baby Soul shouted from downstairs, calling for everyone in the house.


"We have to make an itinerary for our activities for three days." She informed everyone, being the sensible leader and eldest person that she is. 

"Oh yeah, of course. Wait, let me call my members." Rap Monster, also being the responsible leader that he is, volunteered to call for his members who was most probably not even listening to Baby Soul's announcement.

After sometime, everyone came down one by one into the living room.

"So...what do you want to do first?" Seokjin initiated the conversation.

"Since it's this early in the morning, how bout after this, we get some breakfast? I heard their food is good here." Suga proposed, finally saying something that doesn't relate to sleeping the whole day.

"Hmm. ok...what else?" Baby Soul wrote down the idea and asked for more.

"I wanna stay inside after." Jiae said because apparently, eating breakfast is tiring.

"But I wanna take a stroll, it's still quite chilly in the morning." Jimin said. 

"Hmm...let's take a stroll then we can rest afterwards. It's going to be hot in the afternoon afterall." Baby Soul decided in which Jiae was still fine with. As long as she gets her rest then everything is alright.

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