Chapter 4

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A/N I realized, I didn't put any interview part, so I'm putting them here in this chapter ^^

Credits to Little Tran for - "How would Lovelyz sing BTS Blood Sweat & Tears" and

Credits to The07Inspirit for - "How Would BANGLYZ Sing: Oh NaNa - K.A.R.D"

it's the videos I used for this chapter, I can't put the link because you can't even click the link anyway they make really good line distributions (esp. for banglyz) so please check it out ^^

Also I would appreciate it if you read even the A/N at the end, nothing important but I do have a question ^^

Anyway let's start!



Third Person's POV

"What will we do today again?" Mijoo groaned as she sat inside the van.

"No, not today." Sujeong hummed a bit before everyone turned their heads in her direction.

"Yah, Sujeong. Are you singing BTS again?" Baby Soul who seemed to indirectly ban the singing of BTS songs, asked.

"I'm sorry unnie." Sujeong apologized, pouting a little.


"Ah, please end this already. I don't want to be stuck with them....especially that Baby Soul." Rap Monster whined but mumbling the last part. (A/N: He's not mad here or anything, he's just whining like a kid ^^)

"Hyung the more you complaine, the more it will be harder for you." V said trying to comfort his hyung.

- arrived at shooting area -

"Good morning, sunbaenim."

"Good Morning too." The two groups greeted each other just because their managers were with them.

"Here are your scripts and the shooting will start in 5 minutes." After they're managers informed and left, the two groups immediately dispersed.


"Why do they give us scripts, it doesn't even say the activities we're going to do."Jin commented while reading the script.

"Yeah, it just says *be shocked* or *shake hands*, is this even a script?" Jisoo added, agreeing with Jin's statement.

"I don't really know--"

"Before we start rolling, I have to guys have to work harder."

"Fans have noticed that you are still awkward around each other, and they said it seemed really scripted. Seriously the only thing that saved the episode was KeiMin." What are they talking about now. Also what the heck is KeiMin?

"Wait, what's KeiMin?" Thankfully someone from the other group asked.

"Well duh, it's Kei and Jimin, it's their ship name." The producers said as if it's the most obvious thing.

Kei's POV

"Oh/Oh." Me and Jimin said at the same time. We didn't really know what to say to that.

"Oh come on Kei as if you don't know already. You kept saying yesterday was fun knowing that you and Jimin are the only pair that went alone." Baby Soul unnie said with an unamused face and I'm really embarrassed right now. Everyone heard it, of course who will not be embarrassed.

"Ah unnie, why do you have to tell that." I said while covering my face, aish, it's so embarrassing."

Baby Soul's POV

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