Q and A

431 24 23

Heyoo~ I want to hold a Q and A for the characters so that you would know their side more and it seems fun. So please please, send in some questions for them I will answer all of it (except some inappropriate ones, so please don't send those) 

I can accept all questions for all characters so please send a question and ask something you want them to answer or you want to know ^^ You can also send questions to me, if you want (about the story of course) but I won't spoil anything ^^

Don't be shy, I don't judge people. I would love to see your questions for them ^^



P.S: If you want an example, like how to do it, it's just as simple as: "This is a question for (character), (question)" or something like that. Please don't let this flop :(

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