Chapter 12

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After how many 2 years and 6 months. Lovelyz finally achieved their 1st win! I'm so proud of them and Lovelinus, we all sure worked hard and I hope that we will work even harder from now on. Let's give them a lot of wins!! I'm hoping for a Lovelyz2ndWin too.

Anyway, chapter 12~~ (this is more of a filler chapter? It's really hard to write T.T)


Third Person's POV

-next day-

After the two groups have eaten their breakfast and done the things they have to do in the morning, the staff called for them. 


"Is there any activity you planned to do this afternoon?" They asked them. 

"No, we plan to stay inside since it's going to be hot." The leaders further informed. The staff nodded their heads thankfully.

"That's good because we prepared an activity for you guys." 

This piqued the interest of the members. "What is it?" They asked in unison.

"Well, we'll give you papers to write on your one wish or something you simply want to do. It has to be practical though, don't go writing 'I want to go Europe' or something." They explained. The two groups excitedly clapped their hands at this, well some were planting evil plans but they'll never know.

"But the this will only last until dinner time, so make sure your wishes aren't long. Also we'll randomly pick the wishes so please write your name." They reminded and they finally gave them papers. 

After a while of thinking, they finally gave them their papers. 

The staff started shuffling the papers. "Let's start with.....Mijoo's." Mijoo had a mix of delight and an unknown expression when her's was picked.

"Ah!" She shouted and started laughing. The members shot her a questioning glare.

"Please don't get mad." She said laughing apologetically.

"What did you write?" They asked her. 

"We'll say it, so 'I Jiae unnie and Suga oppa to buys snacks for me...or us'." The staff read Mijoo's wish.

"What!" The people mentioned suddenly rose for some reason, especially Jiae who was ready strangle a certain someone.

"I'm strangely fine with that." Some members said. 

"Wait why does it have to be us?" Suga asked, going back to his sit.

"Because I think you two would hate walking outside the most." Mijoo, who was now shielding herself with Jisoo, explained. The two looked outside and immediately thought that they really wouldn't want to go outside.

"Mijoo it's like burning outside!" Jiae complained.

"Exactly." Mijoo said. By now the others are laughing because of the misfortune of the two. They sighed and decided not to argue any further. After getting dressed, they both went outside to buy snacks.

"Wait, we didn't tell them what snacks to buy." Someone reminded and they froze. Within seconds, Jhope ran towards the entrance and shouted "Buy some ice cream!" Suga and Jiae looked back.

"Ice cream your ass!" Suga shouted back and Jiae chuckled at his boldness. Jhope didn't seem to mind this though (or maybe he didn't hear it?) since he shouted a "Thank you." back.

-SugAe's side-

"Yah, this is going to be shown to public!" Jiae reminded hitting Suga lightly while still laughing. 

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