Chapter 14

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A/N hey guys! Okay so chappy 12 got deleted... and I kinda wasn't smart enough to back it up to anything. Since the quality of a new chapter 12 won't be as good as the original I think it's safe to assume you guys are smart enough to guess what happened in chapter 12... it's not really a key chapter anyway.

Willow's P.O.V

I was falling, everything was falling. It was dark and there was nobody to help me.

"HELP!!" I screamed louder and louder.

Then suddenly everything was back. I opened my eyes, the ceiling was the same color blue as my ceiling. I sat up in my bed, and tried to get up, but I couldn't. A sharp pain spread through my arm. I look at it to see I was connected to an I.V cord. Then my eyed slowly scanned the unfamiliar room. There were glass windows, a comfy bed, and a night stand completely filled with flowers and stuffed animals. I slowly turned, but didn't make it all the way because of a shooting pain in my side. This is so weird. What is going on?

"HELPPP MEEEEE!!!!!" I finally screamed when I had no idea what else to do.

Seconds passed and out of no where tears started falling down my cheeks harder and harder. I screamed and cried. Minutes passed nobody came to help me. I sat there and cried for a few more minutes.

Suddenly the door bursted open and a few doctors and nurses came into the room, they looked surprised and worried. I scanned the room again one more time, this place is familiar. This is definitely the hospital, I've been here enough times in the past years.

The nurse held my hand and looked at me.

"What's your name little girl?" Madison my nurse since childhood asked me.

"Madi I'm Willow Hummel don't you know that?"

She didn't do anything.

"How old are you little girl?" She asked again.

"I'm 16 just turned 16 in April. And I'm not a little girl! My name is Willow."

She nodded and looked at me again.

"So Willow what are your parents names? Do you have a brother? Where do you live?"

"Umm my mothers name is Elizabeth, my dads name is Burt, my step mothers name is carol. I thought you knew that. My brother is Kurt and I live in Lima Ohio."

"What grade are you in? Where do you go to school?"

"Sophomore and McKinley High."

"Name five things you love."

"Music. Sports. My family. School. And my boyfriend."

"What's your boyfriends name? And what sports do you play?"

"His name is Ryder and I play field hockey football and lacrosse."

"What's your favorite movie? Favorite book?"

"Carrie for both. "

"Where are you right now?"

"I think I'm at the hospital I'm not sure."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yes you're Madison my nurse since childhood."

"Do you know why you're here?"


"What's the last thing you remember?"

I thought about it. The few days was such a blur. I don't even remember coming here or going to sleep last night, or the last time I ate.

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